Chapter 13

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Adeline's POV

It had been 2 weeks since that kiss , and two weeks since I had seen him . He was gone by the time I got up and he would come home late at night .

I could feel that affecting me due to the mate bond , I was barely getting sleep before ... but this , this was something new . I was getting max 2 hours , and I could not keep anything down everything I ate would come back up .

Why did this have to happen to me , what did I do to deserve everything that's happened to me . Everyday Val and Emerald would come over to keep me company , but if I'm being honest I'd rather be by myself then pretend to laugh and smile all day everyday like I've been doing for the last 2 weeks .

Today makes 1 month and two weeks since I had gotten here and so far my experience here was horrible and I was ready to go , even if it meant I'd loose the bed and go back to the cold hard forest grounds and if it meant I'd never see him again...

" Ughh what are we doing today " said emerald as half her body was hanging off the couch .

" Anything let's just get out of here or I'll die of boredom " Val as she ran a hand down her face in frustration.

" You guys go do something " i said .

" No you are coming with us " said Emerald .

In the last two weeks me and the girls had gotten closer and Emerald even knew my story now , and truth me told I was planning on leaving tonight. What else is there for me here ?

" You two should go out, go have fun " I said trying to convince them but Emerald just gave me a face each time I said that and disagreed telling me she'd be here all day and that we should even have a sleep over.

Finally agreeing to go out with them so they wouldn't be here all night I got my bag ready and made sure I had all my stuff in it and hid it deep in the closet so later I could just pick it up and go . I grabbed the necklace I had on and kissed it , this was the only thing I had left from my mom and it was my most prized possession .

You were wrong mom so what do I do now ?

I quickly walked down the stairs to see both Emerald and Val having a quiet conversation but stopped as they saw me coming .

Last one to the car is a rotten egg said Val as she pushed Emerald causing her to fall , I yelled a quick sorry as I jumped over her body and ran out the door , I let out a laugh seeing her face but that was cut short as I bumped into something and soon me and that something were falling on the ground .

" Shit " I said as my body hit the ground hard .

I opened my eyes to see some dude on top of me as he looked down at me .

" I'm so sorry " he said as he tried to get off me , but he was pulled off me and thrown

" Watch yourself mut " I heard Grayson say as he started shaking .

I looked up at him , finally seeing him after 2 weeks , he looked as bad as me if not worse . He had dark circles under his eyes and his hair was a mess and he was even growing a beard . I watched as he walked to the boy and started hitting him .

As if I was thrown a bucket a water I quickly reacted and went beside Grayson placing my hands on him trying to pull him away . But boy was that a big mistake because as he tried to pull himself away from me he ended up hitting me in the face with his fist . I let go at the impact as I heard the girls yell my name . But I ignored the pain knowing this boy was about to end up really hurt or worse because of me .

"GRAYSON STOP , HE DIDNT DO ANYTHING " I yelled getting in front of the dude .

" move Adeline " he said through his teeth .

" NO ! He didn't do anything I bumped into him when I ran out of the house " I said .

" Take him " was all he said .

" GRAYSON STOP HES INNOCENT!! , He shouldn't go in there he didn't do anything wrong " I said as the man started grabbing the boy .

" Grayson ! " I said again .

" ILL GO INSTEAD OF HIM " I yelled causing everyone around me to gasp.

That caused him to finally look at me , and for a second I saw all the emotions in his eyes and I could see how bad these last two weeks had been for him.

" Take her " was all he said looking away from me .

" But Alp—- " one of the dudes started but was cut off as Grayson yelled " NOW" in his alpha tone . Causing everyone around him to bow .

" Yes alpha " he said as he gave me an apologetic look and grabbed my arm as he pulled me back towards the dungeon.

" I'm so sorry Luna " said the dude as he closed the door and locked me in the dark room with a small window .

" It's ok " I said giving him a reassuring smile . He just sighed as he walked away leaving me in the dark cell.

I looked around and there was nothing in this cell literally just that small window that let me know wether it was day or night .

And to think I was planning on leaving tonight.....

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