Chapter 38

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Adeline's POV

" It's a girl ! " she said giving us a huge smile .

" it's a girl " I said repeating what she just said.

" It's a girl !!! " said Avery as she jumped around .

I'm having a baby girl ... Grayson we're having a girl, how I wish you were here celebrating with me . I wish you were the one holding my hand and telling me how happy you are.

After she finished with what she had to do we were finally out and Avery would not stop saying how happy she was.

" Oh my god! We should go shopping " she said.

" I guess it wouldn't hurt to go look" I told her causing her to squeal .

We walked to a cute little baby shop that was down the street , we passed it a couple times but never actually went in .

" Hey girls! Welcome to Baby's Boutique if there is anything you guys need help with just let me know. " said the nice lady with a smile.

" Thank you " I told her as I smiled back at her.

" Oh my god addy look at this! " squealed Avery as she came to where I was and dragged me to where she was just at.

" Aww that is so cute " I told her agreeing with her as I ran my fingers through the material of the fabric .

" Omg I'm buying her this " said Avery as she added something else to the pile she had in her hand.

" Here you go ladies " said the sweet lady as she handed us a basket with wheels so we could just pull it around .

" Omg this is perfect Thank you! , now I can get more" said Avery as she started throwing more and more clothes in the basket.

" Avery I think this is enough for today" I told her as I started walking towards checkout.

" How far along are you? " asked the lady as she started ringing everything up .

I looked down at my stomach and decided I could pass as 8 months . " I'm 8 months " I told her with a smile .

" Oh Jesus! So close . You and the baby's daddy must be so excited " she said with a smile .

" Yea we are " was all I said .

" your total today will be $259.89" said the lady.

Jesus Christ we didn't even get that many damn clothes , how the fuck was I supposed to buy her everything else.

I pulled out my wallet and handed her $260 " no here I got it today " said Avery as she happily handed the lady $300 .

" Avery no you really didn't have to do that , please ma'am just use the cash I gave you " I told her

" Ma'am please use mine , this is her early baby shower gift. Plus she already has much more to buy " said Avery .

" Your friend is right dear , you should let her pay this time " she said as she handed me my cash back and then handed Avery her change.

" Jesus Avery . " I told her as I felt bad because she paid .

" this time was on me" she said as we both grabbed some bags .

" I'm paying you back " I told her as we walked out the store.

After some arguing about her not wanting me to pay her back we were finally on the way back to the house.

And let me tell you every time I took this walk it would just get harder and harder , my feet were already killing me from walking from the clinic to the little store. And now we have to walk all the way back to the house ... I don't know how I was going to do this . I still had 2-3 months left until baby girl came out .

And with how fast she was growing she might be here before , and I was not ready for that. 

" somethings wrong " said Emory.

" What do you mean? Is the baby okay?" I asked her .

" Someone was here " said Avery as she stopped causing me to bump right into her .

" Wait here " she said as she set the bags down and started walking towards the front door .

" No , you can't go in there alone " I whisper yelled .

" Bitch neither can you! You're pregnancy!" She whisper yelled back.

But before any of us said anything else she was attacked and fell right to the ground .

" AVERY! " I yelled as I saw a wolf jump on her as it tried to take a bite of her .

I quickly ran the best way I could towards her and stabbed the wolf with a knife I grabbed from the tree I passed . This girl had knifes everywhere around this property .

The wolf whimpered and was forced to shift back into human form and in that second I saw someone else coming out the cabin and so did Avery.

So as soon as he stepped foot outside Avery gripped his head and he was out . I listened to see if I could hear someone else in there but there was no one .

" I don't hear anybody else " I told her as I grabbed my stomach as I started feeling some pains .

" Wait here " she said .

And this time I listened but just because I couldn't move , I was in so much pain right now and I was trying my best not to show it because I know Avery would get worried .

"They destroyed everything " she said with sadness in her voice .

" Avery im so sorry " I told her as I hugged her .

" It's not your fault " she said as she hugged me back and In that moment I saw the one I stabbed use the same knife I stabbed him with and he was aiming for Avery .

And In that moment I did what any person would do , I moved us so I was the one getting stabbed and not her .

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