Chapter 19

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Adeline's POV

After taking a shower and washing all the blood off of me I decided to change into some sweats and another hoodie .

I had ripped the one I was previously wearing when I ended up shifting into my wolf , it's like something took over me and I saw red.  And next thing I know I'm naked In front of the girls and the men are dead.

I sighed as I wrapped my hair up in a bun and decided to head downstairs where I could hear the others .

" Adeline !! Come join us " said Val as she pointed to the couch . The only space available happened to be beside Grayson. With a sigh I wrapped myself up in a blanket that was on the couch and cuddled it as I made my self comfortable, I could feel Grayson's body heat and it was warming me up.

How I wished I could lay up on him right now and him just hug me after today , but I knew that would not happen .


Grayson's POV

I looked to my left to see that Adeline had already fallen asleep and was in a little ball hugging her blanket .

" We should probably get going " said Colby as they all got up and we're heading towards the front door .

" Give her a chance " said Emerald .

As soon as everyone was out I picked up Adeline in my arms and I pulled her close to me as I started carrying her up the stairs and towards her room. I looked down at her as she cuddled up to me digging her nose in my neck as she inhaled my scent .

" Oh Adeline what are you doing to me " I said .

As much as I was trying to avoid this the more I felt the connection to her growing . I carefully placed her down on her bed and without thinking I placed a kiss on her forehead .

Fuck what was happening to me .


Adeline's POV

I looked around confused , remembering the last place I was at was in the living room with everyone . I looked at the time and saw it was 9:00am the next day , it had been a while since I slept this good .

I went into the bathroom to do my business and to take a shower after almost an hour I got out and went into the closet to see what I'd wear today , I ended up deciding on a white long sleeve crop top with some ripped jeans and some white shoes .  I looked in the mirror to see the hickeys had gotten uglier so I decided to put on some of that makeup Val had gotten me and surprisingly it hid the hickeys .

Satisfied with my work I decided to head down stairs and follow the smell of bacon , to my surprise there stood Grayson cooking what looked to be breakfast beagles?

" Good morning " he said looking up as he heard me come in .

" Morning " I said back confused , what's got him in such a good mood ?

" I made breakfast , here you can have this one " he said handing me a plate with a beagle that had bacon , egg and cheese . Then he walked to the fridge took out some orange juice poured some in a glass  and handed it to me .

What the fuck is up with him today ? 

" Thanks " I said back even more confused as I walked to the dinning room.

Soon after he joined and we sat there eating our breakfast . " do you want another one " he asked as he saw I was almost done with mine .

" I'm good thank you" I said .

" GOOD MORNING BITCHES " said Val as she walked through the door .

" Morning " said me and Grayson.

" Wow ... Anyways " said Val looking confused.

" What are we doing today " said Emerald coming in with her mans .

" Nothing " i said feeling exhausted from yesterday.

" But— " started Val but was cut off by Grayson calling her name and giving her a face . She raised a brow and look between us and giving us a smile after .

" We have stuff to handle " said Grayson as he got up and left with a Colby .

After making sure they were gone Val turned to us looking all panicked , " Guys I need you're help " she said looking like she was about to cry .

" Everything ok ?" I asked her as she started to worry me .

" i might be pregnant.... I'm not ready for that " said Val looking like she was about to cry .

" I brought a test " she said pulling it from her bag .

" Let's go then " said Emerald as we all headed to my bathroom , after waiting 5 long minutes the timer finally rang causing all of us to jump .

" omg " said Val as she turned it around .

" WHAT !! " said Emerald .

" I'm not pregnant " she said smiling . She came up to us and hugged us .

" Thank god , i was not ready to become a mother and neither was Colby . " she said looking more calm.

" So Adeline " said Val giving me a huge smile .

Oh no .

" Are we not going to talk about those huge ass hickeys you have on you ? " she said .

" What hickeys " I said casually .

" The Ones you are currently hiding " she said .

" TELL US THE TEA " said Emerald giving me a huge smile .

" There is no tea ? Would you like me to make some ? " I said confused , causing them to slap there faces in frustration.

" Child anyways " said Emerald.

And soon Val tackled me and pinned me down to the bed as Emerald pulled my shirt down from the neck .

" What the fuck are you guys doing " I said as I tried to get out from under her . They both gasped looking at down at my neck .

" D-Did he mark you ? " asked Emerald looking down at me shook.

" No? " I said looking confused as well.

" Adeline that most definitely looks like he tried to mark you and then pulled out without completing it " sad Val .

" WHAT???" I said even more confused . They showed me there's and it did look like the mark on my neck . Except there's had the initials of there mate right under and the actual mark was very noticiable and sticking out .

Mine was just like in my skin and you could see the bite marks but mine were very light . Both Of them looked at each other with wide eyes .

Then the door opened and there stood all three men looking at us , the three of us looked up and we made eye contact with them . Val let out a nervous laugh and let me go and got off of me and emerald let me go as well.

" Do we even want to know ? " asked Colby looking at all of us but we just shook our heads . Soon everyone was heading to there houses and then there was just two .

Should I ask him about the mark?

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