Chapter 25

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Adeline's POV

I looked over at the clock in my room to see it was 7:00am I let out a sigh for the hundredth time . After finding out I was pregnant I made sure to hide the pregnancy test in the trash and then came outside to the balcony and have been here ever since .

I felt exhausted with the no sleep but most of all I felt mentally drained , stuff after stuff kept happening and I wasn't sure what would happen next , Or if I should even tell Grayson.

I went inside and decided to take a shower and get ready for the day , after almost an hour of just standing there I decided to just get out and change into some comfortable clothes and head downstairs .

" Good morning love " I heard to my left .

" Hey good morning " I said quietly . And to be honest all I wanted to do was run into his arms so he could just hold me and tell me everything would be okay. But I was scared to make the first move I didn't want to push him away somehow .

" How did you sleep " he asked coming closer and holding my face .

" I slept good " I said giving him a fake smile .

" Really? Because looks like you didn't even sleep you have under eye bags and you look exhausted " he said now looking concerned .

" I'm fine " I said giving him a smile once again.

" I don't believe you " he said .

" Grayson I'm fine really , and aren't you late for your alpha duties " I said . He looked down at his watch seeing the time " shit " was all he said .

" I'll be back later okay " he said as he quickly kissed me then basically ran out the door .

I just let out a sigh and decided to eat some fruit for breakfast since everything else looked nasty at the moment .

Hmmm everything is making more sense now , why I had been acting the way I had . How did I not notice this sooner .

It was now 1pm and I had been home alone all morning , not that I'm complaining i needed the peace and quiet . But I was surprised that the girls had not come by today , usually they were here everyday .

I heard the doorbell ring and I made my way towards the door ready to open it . How weird I had never heard this doorbell ring people usually just walked In.

" Hey , how can I help you ? " I said to the girl standing there.

" Ugh i came to see Grayson" she said pushing me to the side .

" He's not home right——"

" i didn't know he hired a new maid " she said looking down at me .

" He didn't . " I said starting to get mad at the disrespect I was currently getting .

" I'm his mate " I said .

" AHAH You his mate? , keep dreaming girly " she said .

" Did you need something? " I asked her again feeling my anger rising .

" Yea I need my boyfriend " she said . Causing a pain in my chest.

" What? " was all I said .

" Has he showed you off to the Pack? Have you met the pack ? Been accepted? Because I didn't even know you were here . Everyone knew about me and him" she said with a smirk.

" Look sweetheart I don't know what he told you but he's playing you , everyone knows it's me and him" she said .

" Get out " was all I said . But she just stood there smiling .

" NOW ! " I said causing her to bow and quickly go to the door and leave.

" What the fuck are you doing here " I heard from outside but I just went up to my room.

Why hasn't he let me meet the pack? I don't think he's fully accepted me or else he would have had me meet everyone already ... right?

" Adeline " I heard as the door to my room opened . I just ignored them and pretended I was sleeping .

" She's sleeping" I heard Emerald whisper.

" Ugh what the fuck was that bitch doing here " I heard Val whisper before they closed the door .

After a while I heard the front door shut and I listened to make sure they were gone , and they were .

Who was that girl and why did she say she was Grayson's girlfriend...

It was now around 4 and I was currently in the kitchen trying to decide what to make for dinner , everything looked nasty to me and I wasn't craving anything special.

I found some steak and decided to cook it and serve it with some broccoli, it was around 5 when I was done and Grayson walked in .

" Hey baby , how was your day " he said coming and hugging me from behind .

" It was good , what about you? " I said .

" Very stressful " was all he said .

" I made you dinner " was all I said.

" Smells delicious " he said as he went to wash his hands . He picked up the plates and brought them to the dinning table .

We had taken a few bites when I couldn't hold it anymore and I had to ask him .

" Hey Grayson? " I asked .

" Yes love? "

" Why haven't I been welcomed into the pack yet? " I quickly asked.

At that he stopped chewing and looked up at me , he just starred at me as if trying to figure out an excuse .

" I—" he started but it's all that came out. I just starred at him waiting for an answer but nothing came .

" It's okay " I said giving him a small smile even though I was feeling really hurt, I got up to put the rest of my food away in the oven.

I just went up to my room and went out to the balcony , this spot right here was my favorite since I first got here. It's been so relaxing im so used to being outside in the fresh air and now it's like that except I'm safe and I don't have to worry about another wolf attacking me.

I watched as Grayson walked out the door and went towards the woods , he started running now and soon enough he disappeared into the darkness .

It had been 4 hours and he was still not back , I was starting to worry . Where could he be?

I saw him come out of the woods again , but this time the girl from earlier was behind him . I watched as he suddenly stopped and told the girl something . I watched her face turn to one of anger and then go a different way from the house .

What could he have possibly been doing with her this late ..

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