Chapter 45

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Avery's POV

I silently stood there shocked as everyone rushed around me to bring her back to us, the doctor was shouting out orders and everyone followed . I was handed the baby and told to sit down outside the room and wait .

I don't exactly remember how I ended up here it's all still kind of a blur , I looked down at my hands finally looking down at her creation .

" Hope " I whispered . And she instantly opened her eyes.

I did not know her dad but I know she has his eyes because these are not Adeline's eyes , she has small cute little curls on top of her head . And the cutest little dimples.

" Why are you crying " someone asked . Making me realize I was crying .

I looked up and it was the lady from earlier , now that I'm really looking at her she looks kind of familiar.

" My- My ... H-Her mom she didn't —- " and I started crying even harder , hugging Hope closer to me .

" What? " said the lady shocked .

" Wh-What was her name ? " she asked with tears in her eyes .

" Adeline " I told her slowly.

" Do you know her last name? " she asked with the tears now falling down her face .

" No she doesn't know her last name " I told her . And that seemed to be enough for her and she walked away now sobbing .

These people are weird .

I looked down at hope as she was still looking up at me with beautiful gray wide eyes. How will we get out of here hope .

Grayson's POV

" Anything? " I asked Colby .

" Nothing man , Im sorry " he told me with a look of disappointment.

" How is—- " I started but was cut off with the pain I all of a sudden felt .

I fell down to the ground scratching at my chest trying to make the pain go away , but it was impossible.

"Grayson what's wrong " asked Colby .

But as much as I tried nothing came out my mouth from the pain I was feeling . And I knew this Pain already , I felt it with Lindsey .


I looked around realizing I was laying down on my couch that was in my office , Lindsey was standing over me trying to get me to wake up .

" Grayson what happened, Are you okay? " asked Lindsey . I stood up making sure not hit her growing belly.

" I'm fine Lindsey " I told her as I rubbed my head .

" Grayson " said Colby looking really worried . He saw me the last time I was like this .

" I can't feel her anymore " whimpered my wolf .

" We can't feel her anymore " I said leaving my office and heading towards the woods .

I let out a howl not being able to stop my wolf from coming over me and soon enough all I saw was a blur as he took over .

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