Chapter 18

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Grayson's POV

What the fuck happened last night , how could I let it happen . Now the mate bond is stronger I desire her more I want to touch her,  kiss her  I want to feel her skin on mine . I can feel myself slowly giving in.

" Good morning " I said as I walked in to the dinning room where everyone was currently sitting .

" Where did you guys disappear off to " asked Colby causing us to tense up .

The whole time Valeria was asking Adeline questions about where she went last night and then they said something about going to the beach . And of course me and Adeline could not go looking the way we did .

We were just talking when one of my warriors walked in startling us causing the girls to get scared .

" Learn to kn—- " I started but was cut off .

"There's rouges wondering around the border and one managed to get in and we have him down in the dungeons " said my warrior .

At that me and the boys got up to leave and I was out the door and turned around to tell the girl to stay here and be careful , making sure I looked at Adeline so she knew to stay here. 

We quickly left and went to the dungeons I walked down the stairs and towards the cells. As soon as I was in front of the cell the rouge started laughing . I just stood there waiting for him to be done .

" Why are you trespassing, you know what pack you trespassed into " said Colby .

" Well we heard that the great Alpha Grayson found himself a second chance mate and we had to come check it out for ourselves " said the rouge causing me to raise a brow.

" And from what it looks like it's true " he said laughing . Causing me to get confused but instantly it clicked and I was running out of the dungeons and back towards the house .

" No , No , No " this cannot happen again, I lost Lindsey to some rouges and if he comes from that man's pack then I will make sure I get to him first. 

I walked into the house slamming the door open beginning to panic as I smelt blood , I followed the smell to see glass everywhere and blood as well .

Shit .

I walked around looking for Adeline and the girls and as I rounded the corner I saw some rouges either knocked out or dead , I walked closer and realized they were dead .

I tried finding Adeline's scent and when I did I ran in that direction I slammed the door open causing them all to yell and a punch be thrown my way but I stopped it before it hit my face .

" Oh thank god " said Val as she let out a sigh of relief .

Colby walked in behind me taking Val in his arms as he kissed her and asked if she was alright , then walked in Emeralds mate and did the same .

" What happened " I asked .

" We were just talking and something was thrown through the window braking it and then in jumped two men and they were trying to take Adeline , but she... she was able to kill both of them " said Val as we all looked at Adeline who was now sitting on the ground in a large t-shirt that was all bloody  . I watched as she hugged her legs and brought them closer causing her to wince .

I looked at them and then the door letting them all know I wanted all of them out , and they all left giving me a look . I let out a sigh and walked to where Adeline was and I leaned down going eye level with her.

" Are you hurt ? " I asked her .

" No " she said .

" Can we go get you checked out ? " I asked her seeing as some of the blood was hers .

" I'll be fine " she said .

" Adeline please , I can see that you're bleeding " I said .

" i just need to shower that's all " she said .

" But—- " I started but was interrupted again.

" Look Grayson this is nothing ok , I just need to shower and get all this blood off of me " she said .

" How did you learn to do that " I asked her curiously.

She was good and well trained If she was able to kill two grown men .

" I told you , I was alone in the woods most of my life and there was always rouges trying to get to a girl that was alone, I had to learn how to survive " she said.

" I'm sorry you had to go through all that " I told her causing her to look up at me surprised. Even I was surprised.

" Yea.... " Was all she said as she tried to get up . Instantly I reached out helping her get up , I felt the sparks immediately causing a chill down my body .

" Thanks " said Adeline .  

" I'll see you downstairs ok ? " I told her . She just nodded her head and went to the bathroom .

I made my way down to the living room where everything had been cleaned up already as if nothing had happened .

" So they are after her " said Colby as soon as he saw me .

I just sighed running a hand through my hair in frustration , why does this happen I haven't even accepted her and she's already in danger.

" What are you going to do? " asked Jay .

" It's like something took over her , like if you guys had seen her y'all would have never thought it was little Adeline " said Emerald .

" Yea it was crazy I had never seen anything like it and after she looked around confused " said Val

" it was the Luna in her , her pack members were in danger and she defended them " said Colby looking at me .

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