Chapter 42

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Adeline's POV

" Oww " I said sitting up straight as fast as my belly would let me .

" what's wrong " said Avery .

" I'm o—-" I started but was quickly shut up because of the pain , this one was really strong , like stronger then usual . Moon goddess am I about to die?

" Addy?" Said Avery now standing over me trying to find a way to help me .

But all I could do was let out a cry as the cramping in my stomach got worse .

" Please help " I heard Avery yelling .

" Ave—-" I tried again but the words would not come out my mouth it felt as if it hurt to talk as well.

" What if she's coming ? " asked Avery now looking terrified.

All I could do was shake my head , she still has 1 month and 2 weeks left , it's too soon. How could I not be able to carry my own child.

" Adeline " said Avery again.

" Shhh " I told her as I could not with her yelling and then the pain I was feeling .

A gripped my stomach as I felt the pain get worse, oh Jesus .

I could feel my body start to shake from the fever I was building on , I could feel how hot and sweaty I was . But I couldn't do anything but sit there and take the pain.

Out of instinct I grabbed onto Avery's hand and gripped hard. I heard her wince and instantly let her hand go .

" Shit , im sorry Avery " i told her .

" It's okay , here take it " she said handing me her hand back.

" Oh my goddess " I heard someone say as they looked at us through the bars.

" Are you okay sweetheart? " Asked the lady, as she looked down at me weird.

But all i could do was let out a grunt as the pain was getting worse and worse, Moon goddess please let me survive the birth of this baby, I know she won't be alone, but she won't have her dad or her mom and I'm not okay with that.

" Someone please take this poor child to the pack doctor, don't you see Shes pregnant," said the lady.

And that's exactly what happened , soon the doors to the cell were opened and I was lifted into someone's arms as they carried me away .

" Avery " I called out as I felt another cramp .

" Let the girl go with her " said the lady again looking at me with sympathy and some other emotion I could not understand.

" it's okay " said the lady as she rubbed my shoulder . I felt a small pull of my hair but I was soon distracted by another cramp , they just kept getting worse and worse.

" Follow me " said the man to Avery as he led us out of the dungeon and out into the world , which was now dark .

" Avery , I think you're right . I think she's coming " I said as I felt the pain on my stomach become too much .

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