Chapter 28

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Adeline's POV

" Do I know you? " she asked .

But all I could do was stare at her, trying to understand how she was here . How I was here?

I'm so confused , because how could this even be possible , how could he have both of us?

Soon my view was blocked and i looked up not realizing someone had walked in , I was too busy trying to understand what the fuck was going on.

" I see you've met my friend here " said a girl .

She looks familiar .. but from where?

Jesus Christ it's the bitch that was at the house and that came out of the woods with Grayson....

" What do you want " I asked the bitch.

" Well is it not obvious? Grayson is mine you skank " was all she said .

Oh fuck me .

This bitch is fucking crazy and she can not know I'm pregnant with Grayson's baby because who knows what she will do .

I just stayed quiet trying not to set her off , she was a literal walking ticking time bomb.

" I don't know why the moon goddess keeps trying to bring other people into his life when he's mine! " was all she said .

" You know damn right he has never and will never be yours " said Lindsey .

I just sat there silently .

"I'll be back ." Was all she said as she left with a smile .

I just looked back to the girl in front of me , confused .

I ran my hand down my face frustrated , how will I get out of here .... How will it be when he has to rescue both of us. Will he choose to only take one back? Would he choose me and his baby? Or her?

But we all knew she'd choose her every time,And that's why I couldn't wait here to see that happen.

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