Chapter 23

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Adeline's POV

" Wow do you guys have to go all out for everything " I said as I got out of the car and admired the beautiful beach house in front of me .

" Yes we do " said Val as she skipped away, i watched as she tripped over a rock . Colby ran towards her to try and catch her but he wasn't fast enough and she hit the ground .

" Ow " she said as she rubbed her knees .

I made eye contact with Emerald as I saw her trying not to laugh , that just made me bite the inside of my cheek harder to prevent myself from laughing .

" Are you okay baby? " asked Colby as he was starting to get protective .

" Yea I'm fine " she said as she got up .

We walked inside and Jesus was this house beautiful, I could literally see the beach behind the house from the windows .

" okay this house has 3 rooms so just choose your rooms  " said Val with a huge smirk on her face causing me to raise a brow .

" We call dibs on master " said Grayson as he walked away grabbing both our bags in one hand and with the other he grabbed my hand .

" COME ON!! " said Colby as he stormed away .

We walked into a beautiful room and Grayson set our bags down on the bed .

" I'm going to go buy a few things so we have food in the house do you want to stay here or come with me? " asked Grayson .

" I'll go with you " I told him as I followed him out the door and back into the car .

The drive to the store was quiet but we were both just enjoying each other's company nothing needed to be said .

He grabbed a cart as we walked in and started throwing stuff in the cart , as soon as we went near the baked goods part of the store my mouth started to water , Jesus did it smell soo good . Whatever that smell was I wanted it so I did just that . I left Grayson behind and started looking for the source of the smell .

And when I found it my eyes lit up because it was some cupcakes and they looked and smelled so good .

" can I get this? " I asked Grayson as I felt him now behind me . He just gave me a smile and put it in the cart as he added another one .

" I didn't bring my wallet with me but i can pay you back when we get back to the house " I said . And at that he stopped causing me to bump into his back .

" Adeline ... you don't have to pay me back for anything . I'm your mate and I'm taking care of you okay? So don't ever think you have to pay me back for anything because I'm not taking it " he said as he let out a sigh kissing my forehead and continuing to walk .

Every time I walked by something that looked good I'd grab it and put it in the cart , I was craving everything and Jesus could I eat it all .

After almost two hours of just walking around we were finally putting the bags in the car and where on the way back to the beach house .

As soon as we pulled up everyone walked outside to get some bags , after we put everything away we were all getting ready to go out to the beach . I took off my clothes and just put on a simple cover up and walked out of the bathroom to where Grayson was at laying down on the bed .

As soon as I came out he looked up at me and looked me up and down as I watched his eyes get darker .

" You ready? " he asked as he got up and came towards me .

All I could do was nod as he came up to me and grabbed my hand gave it a quick kiss and walked us out the door and to the beach where everyone was already at.

The rest of the day was just spent with all of us at the beach and at one point the men started making burgers while me and the girls just laid down and relaxed on the beach.

" Soo Adeline , you and Grayson will have a room all to yourselves any special plans?" Asked Val .

" No plans " was all I said as the boys started calling us over .

" But— " started Val .

" But nothing , now hurry up " I told her as I got up from the ground and started walking towards the boys.

For the rest of the night we were outside just talking and telling old stories , even I was telling tben stories about when I was out in the woods alone.

" Goodnight Everyone " I said as we were all ready to sleep.

Me and Grayson walked into our room and started getting ready for bed , he grabbed some blankets and started putting them on the ground .

" What are you doing ? " I asked

" Making my bed " he said.

" Why ? You can sleep up here . I don't want you to sleep on that hard ground " I told him.

" Are you sure?" He asked.

" Yes , I'm positive " I said

He got back into the bed and laid down pulling the blanket up to his hips , I just watched him admiring his beauty . Wanting to touch him and run my fingers over his skin . But I knew I shouldn't. 

Deciding it was best for me to turn around and just try to get some sleep I whispered a quiet " Goodnight" as my eyes started to get heavy.

" Good night love " Was the last thing I heard.

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