Chapter 17

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Adeline's POV

Jesus fucking Christ my head was pounding , I don't remember what happened last night all I know It had to have been crazy if my head feels like this .

I felt someone move beside me causing me to quickly open my eyes and look to where I felt the movement . And I was met with a pair of cold grey eyes , realizing what was happening we both quickly got up only to realize we were both naked and Jesus he did not disappoint .

I gasped looking at his neck and chest and seeing all the hickeys he had , and then the scratches he had all over his back . I quickly wrapped the blanket around me .

" No , No , No , No " I said over and over . And he just looked at me with wide eyes ,  he ran a hand through his hair and face in frustration.

" Fuck " was all he said and then just wrapped another blanket around him and walked out slamming the door .

What the fuck had happened last night , and how did we both end up in my room and in this fucking situation .

We had sex ...

And I don't even remember it ...

I got up feeling sore down in my cooter and walked into the bathroom to shower and as I let go of the blanket I happened to look in the mirror and I saw all this hickeys and bruises he had also left on my body .

DAMNNNN and I don't remember any of this ???

What the actual fuck , I'm never drinking again.

I showered and after I changed into some sweats and a hoodie trying to hide as much of my body as possible .

" ADELINE " I heard someone yell as my bedroom door opened.

" WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED LAST NIGHT " I yelled regretting it instantly as my head was starting to  pound once again .

" Here " said Emerald walking in with some pills and water . 

" You literally disappeared on us like halfway through the night " said Val as she laid down on my bed .

Oh girl if I were you I would not want to lay on that bed I myself don't even know what happened . But of course I was not gonna tell her something happened on it because then the questions would come .

" Umm let's go downstairs " I said scratching the back of my head feeling bad I let her lay on it .

We all walked downstairs and there was breakfast made for everyone , oh thank god we did not have to make anything today because I would have just gone all day without eating .

" You sure know how to party " said Colby as he stuffed his face with food.

" Yea who knew you could drink like that " said Val looking proud.

I looked up as I saw Grayson walk in and I just tensed up looking away , why does this feel like I just did something horribly wrong . He's my mate ...

" Good morning " he said as he walked in and sat at the head of the table like always . Thankfully I was three chairs down from him or I would honestly not be ok .

" Where did you disappear off to " asked Colby causing both me and Grayson to tense up at what had happened  . Or whatever happened because I could still feel the soreness between my legs.

At that both Emerald and Val looked at me and then at Grayson and then raised a brow at me . I just raised one back trying not to seem fazed . And I knew they were starting to put two and two together because me and him were the only ones wearing hoodies and they were both tied up all the way to our necks and tightly .

" We should go out " said Val with a smile causing me to raise a brow .

" Where " asked Emerald .

" The beach " said Val still smiling.

" No " said me and Grayson at the same time causing Val's smile to grow wider .

" And why not " said Val .

" Because I don't know how to swim " I said casually .

" It's ok we can teach you " said Val .

Truth be told I could kinda swim , I taught myself how to when I was around 10 but she didn't need to know that .

" Oh my god yes !!! Let's go . " said emerald getting excited .

" You guys go , I'm not much of a swimmer like I said , I almost drowned when I was 10 " I said casually trying not to laugh at how stupid that sounded .

" omg " said Val looking guilty .

" Yea you know childhood trauma " I said biting the inside of my cheek. I looked up to see Grayson raising a brow at me as If wondering if I was being serious or just lying due to how my body currently looked .

They just continued making small talk talking about the next place they wanted to go , but I needed to get out of here asap , after last night I could feel how strong the mate bond got and this was not good . I literally wanted to touch him and feel the sparks , the pull was so strong and I don't know how I'd be able to resist .

" Alpha , we have a problem " said someone as they slammed the door open causing all the men to stand up ready to fight.

" Learn to kn—- " he started but was cut off .

" There's rouges wondering around the border and one managed to get in and we have him down in the dungeons " said the man .

At this all three men stood up and walked out the door , not before the other two said good bye to there mates , causing a bolt of jealousy.

" all of you stay inside " said Grayson but he was looking straight at me . The girls just gave a quick ok . Maybe this would be the perfect opportunity to leave ....

" Soooo " said Val looking at me now .

" So what ? " I asked .

" What happened " asked Emerald

" what do you mean , what happened? " I asked back .

" So you and Grayson just happened to disappear together around the same time all night ? " asked Val now smirking .

" I was asleep I don't know where he went " I said casually .

" We saw him carrying you up the stairs last night " said Emerald.

" and y'all are acting hella weird " said Val .

"well he just took me to my room then , Makes sense actually I was wondering how I got to my room " I said .

" Why are you wearing a hoodie " asked Emerald

" Because I feel cold why else ? " I said .

" And Grayson the dude that never wears hoodies just happens to also be wearing one because he's cold ? " asked Val

" Idk why he's wearing one that's him , incase you haven't noticed we don't talk " I said .

" We are not going to give up " said Val and Emerald just nodded in agreement. 

We were just talking and laughing when something broke through the window and landed on the ground causing all of us to let out a scream.

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