Chapter 37

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Adeline's POV

It has been 3 weeks since I had that talk with Avery, and this baby gets bigger and bigger. Today I find out what I'm having and it will probably be my last doctor appointment I'll have . Because they'll start getting suspicious because Of how fast the baby is growing.

" Come on Adeline , I'm ready to find out if I'm going to have a niece or nephew " said Avery as she picked up my bag and hers.

" Okay okay let's go " I said wobbling to her.

Truth be told I was exhausted.

I could barely walk as it is , my feet were swollen from walking I try to pretend I'm okay but I think Avery can see how truly weak I feel.

I've been working , I've been doing the usual hours I would do from open to close . I'm so exhausted by the end of the night but I'm doing it for my baby I have to. I have to start buying stuff , I have been putting it off . And I can't keep doing it.

With each day that passed and each day this baby grew I was starting to think more and more that I was maybe not going to survive. My body gets weaker and Avery has given me some stuff she's made but it's not working.

I try not to look at myself in the mirror because I've gotten so pale and skinny . And I have some dark circles under my eyes, I hate to feel like this because I should be enjoying this pregnancy. It's going to be the my first and only baby I have and i have not enjoyed it .

We had been walking for a bit , and I let out a sigh of relief as I saw the clinic . Since she lived kind of close to the city she's never bought a car , she wouldn't have anywhere to put it anyways . She kinda lives in the middle of the woods . No human would go that deep .

" Hey Adeline " said the lady at the front .

" Hey Becky how are you?" I asked her as I took a seat .

" Good ! I see you find out the sex of your baby today " she said .

" Yea I do , I'm so excited " I told her.

" Adeline " I heard causing me to get up and wobble towards the door .

" Avery, good to see you again! " said the nurse .

" Yea you too, i couldn't miss this one" she said with a huge smile .

" I know ! So exciting , follow me We're going to the usual room " she said as she led me down the familiar halls.

She sat me down on the bed and I pulled up my shirt and tucked it under my bra, she put some of the cold jelly on my stomach causing a shiver to go down my spine .

" Okay here we go " she said with a huge smile .

" Here's baby , here's the arms , the legs , let's see if we can count fingers . Okay there's 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6, 7, 8, 9 , 10. Okay let's see if we can see toes" and once again she started counting.

" Okay let's see if we can move baby a bit " she said as she pushed down on my stomach causing me to wince.

" There we go " she said as she got a huge smile on her face.

" Ok are you ready? " she said looking at me and Avery. All we did was nod .

" Its a ....... "

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