Chapter 61

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Adeline's POV

" What, now?? " I asked freaking out .

" Yes , Now! " she said falling on her knees and leaning against the bed .

"Best fucking time to have this baby Lindsey " I said as I started walking around stressing .


" Yes you're right , I'm sorry . I'm just really stressed. " I said as I stoped pacing around.

" Okay , so I've given birth . How hard can it be to help you give birth? " I said as I looked down at her .

She looked at me and shook her head .

" Wait . I-I don't really remember the birth of Hope ... as soon as she was out I died. I was dead for five minutes " I said realizing I really don't know what I'm doing .

" It's okay we got this " she gritted out as more sweat pilled up on her forehead .

" I've watched movies? " I said hoping to ease her stress.

Okay I should get some towels , blankets , warm water and scissors? And with that I quickly got up from my position beside her and ran out the room and towards the laundry room .

I'm guessing that's where I could find clean blankets and towels . I ran through the whole house and finally made it to the laundry room and like I assumed they were folded in the corner of the room .

I'm so fucking smart.

I grabbed as many as I could cary and ran to the kitchen . I placed everything I had in my arms on the dining table and I tore that kitchen apart looking for some damn scissors , how hard is it to find scissors.

I opened every drawer in the kitchen until I finally found some meat scissors?
Shit close enough and I finally grabbed everything and ran back in the direction of the stairs but realized I forgot a stupid container so I quickly made my way back to the kitchen and grabbed a plastic container and ran back to the room .

" sorry I couldn't find scissors " I told her as I set everything down and prepared everything .

After I was done I made my way back to the window to see everything was still the same out there , everyone was still killing each other .

" Oh god I think he's coming out " she said as she gripped the dresser beside her .

Fuck okay.

She opened her legs and lord was I traumatized. How can we do this , how can our body do this and then go back to how it originally was .

I could see the top of her babys head .

" Um I see the head " I said trying not to yack.

" Oh god this hurts " she said now leaning back more .

I grabbed a rag and dipped it in cold water and then wiped her forehead with it .

" It's okay , when you have the need to push you push okay? " I told her .

She just nodded her head and gripped whatever she could , I looked up at the bed and Hope was still asleep , once again as if there was no commotion going on around her .

" Oh god " she said as she pushed . As she pushed I looked down and noticed I could see more of the babys head .

She looked up at me and I just nodded and grabbed one of the blankets I grabbed , ready to catch the baby .

" Ok push " I said as the baby started coming out .

I quickly caught the babys head as it came out and I looked up at her as she started freaking out.

" It's okay " I said ask I nodded letting her know to push again and she did . This time it was a bigger push and finally the baby fell into my hands as I slowly pulled him up and out from inside .

" Oh lord " I said as I looked down at the baby in my head .

I looked up at her through my tears , we were both in shock with what just happened . I smiled at her as the baby started crying , i looked down at him as he opened his eyes ,i got over my shock and  I quickly placed him on her chest and cut the cord and made sure they were both wrapped up.

" Thank you " she said smiling up at me .

I quickly got up and walked towards the window to peak again and everything seemed to calm down . I went to the bathroom and washed everything off of me as I started feeling nasty, with what I had just done .

I looked up at my reflection and noticed what a mess I looked .

That baby had Graysons Eyes.

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