Chapter 43

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Adeline's POV

As soon as we walked into the pack hospital I was put into a wheel chair and wheeled towards the back, they helped me on to the bed and soon I had nurses touching me all over and connecting stuff to me . And I'll I could was sit there because I felt like every time I moved I was getting stabbed .

" Addy everything will be okay " said Avery looking at me with a nervous smile.

Soon enough the nurses left me and Avery alone in the room after they finished connecting me to machines .

" Avery im scared " I told her as I rubbed my belly closing my eyes feeling the pain Over and over like never ending torture .

" Adeline ... what if that pain you've always felt was Grayson having sex with Lindsey . " said Avery causing another pain to go through my body but this one went straight to my heart. How have I never thought of that , it makes so much sense to why I might be weaker...

I guess Grayson did move on after all.

The next couple hours was the nurses coming in to check up on me giving me medications , it not working . Them trying something stronger and the same thing over and over . Expect they can't give me anything else because it's not good for the baby . So basically this will be a natural birth , hurray for me , if I can even survive it .

" Hi , how are you feeling? " asked the doctor as he came in and washed his hands .

" I feel the same , nothing is working. " I told him with a sigh as my eyes shut close to the pain I was feeling . I had also started shaking really badly and I was sweating , from the doctors face I could tell he was concerned, and from Avery's face I could tell she had started to get scared .

" Adeline " said the doctor with a sigh.

" I know " I told him as I finally opened my eyes to look at him.

" If it comes do—- " he started by I quickly cut him off .

" The baby " i told him looking at Avery , And all she did was wipe a tear that fell from her eye .

" you've been told this already?" Asked the doctor .

" Yes , I was told by another doctor I might not survive this birth. " I told him .

" The baby just looks like it grew too fast and your body just never caught up with the growth of the baby. The baby's speed of growth definitely shows one of a alphas — "

" Yea her dad is an alpha " I told him quickly feeling the pain in my chest once again.

" Well your body is too weak for her and that's why she's basically been forcing herself to fit and develop with what she has , at the time of birth your body is not going to be ready and your body might go into shock and it might cause you to loose too much blood and that could also be another way you ... um but we will be trying our best to save both of you . Just know that we will not go down without a fight okay, you just have to promise not to give up . You will be feeling a lot , especially with none of the medications working on your body but as soon as that baby is out we will put you on some stronger stuff okay? " all I did was nod .

That was a lot of information, bad information at that . Even the doctor knows I stand no
Chance , I looked at Avery to see her looking out the window . I could tell she was really scared . I felt bad for her , first I ruin her life by bumping into her then I cause her to loose the only
Home she's ever had , and now I'm leaving her with baggage . I'm leaving her with a whole tiny human being .

I will forever be grateful for her , she gave me a home and a sister , and now she will be raising my baby . I don't know how I could ever repay her for everything she's done for me.

" Thank you Avery " i told her as I got as comfortable as I could closing my eyes for a bit .

" You have to fight Adeline , i know I told you I'd watch over your baby like she's my own . But you have to fight for her Adeline you cant leave her , you can't leave us ." She said .

" I will try my hardest Avery but luck is never on my side " I told her as I started to finally dose off.


I woke up and sat up quickly causing me to instantly regret it as my body started shaking worse .

" Adeline what's wrong " asked Avery as she came to my side .

" I think she's coming " I said as I felt a lot of pressure between my legs .

" Avery it hurts " I said as I could feel my body heating up as my body started shaking more .

" Doctor pax " I heard Avery yell as she opened the door .

All I could do was grip the bed as tight as I could hoping it would ease some of my pain but I was currently feeling like I was being ripped apart .

" Avery " I said as loud as my body would let me speak .

" Avery! " I finally said succeeding as she finally came to my side .

" Avery please watch after her , I will forever be grateful for you and everything you've done for me and my baby . You were who saved me , I wouldn't have made it this far with my baby if it weren't for you . Always remind her that I love her. " I told her as I let out another groan all Avery could do was nod her head as tears fell from her eyes .

I felt wet between my legs I removed the blanket and looked down , and then looked back up at Avery .

All we were looking at was blood , we watched as it spread more and more through the blanket .

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