Chapter 7

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Adeline's POV

I quickly stood up gripping my head from the pain that ran down my body as I made a fast movement. I wiped away the tears that were falling down my face . Once again I was having the same dream I had every night .

My mom telling me to run and find my mate , but now it was different . Because I had found him and here I am still having the same nightmares .

Except this time I could see her face less , I was forgetting her ....

I pulled the blanket closer to me as I hugged it and cried into it silently, even after being alone in the dark woods I still learned to quietly cry and not make a sound .

After I finally let all that out I just laid there still hugging the blanket , imagining I was hugging someone . Graysons mom was the first person I had hugged since the last time I hugged my mom when she told me to run .

I was so surprised I didn't even get the chance to hug her back and actually enjoy it . I wonder what a hug from him would be like ..

Finally deciding to get up and make me some food now that I was getting hungry , I went into the bathroom and quickly washed my face .

I went down the stairs and found my way back into the kitchen and opened the fridge seeing what I could make myself to eat .

I pulled out some chicken I found and looked through the pantry to see what I could make . I pulled out some pasta and some Alfredo sauce , I looked to make sure nothing was expired and then started looking for stuff to season my chicken with , cause we will not have unseasoned chicken . Hell no .

I started preparing everything and after almost an hour everything was almost done , I checked the oven to see if my bread was nice and cooked and it was so I pulled it out . Just as I was pulling it out I heard someone clear there throat causing me to almost burn myself and drop the bread .

I looked to where the sound came from and there stood Grayson looking around uncomfortably .
After a while of us just standing there I finally decided to speak .

" Would you like some dinner ? I just made it " I asked him .

" okay " was all he said as he grabbed a plate and started putting food in two plates as I grabbed the plate with the bread and set it down on the dining table . I went back in and got us some of the drink I had made .

When I got back I noticed he put my plate down opposite of him , on the other side of the table . I just ignored the hurt I felt seeing this and just sat down . I looked down seeing he gave me way too much food and I wasn't even that hungry anymore .

Ughh all my heard work for me to not even be able to enjoy It . I looked down at the food and grabbed a piece of bread and just started tearing pieces and eating it . I finally decided to take a bite of the pasta and Jesus Christ could I cook. This shit tasted amazing , don't ask me how I knew to make this when I've lived in the forest my whole life .

" why are you a rouge , what Did you do " asked Grayson out of nowhere . Causing me to stop chewing and force the food down my throat .

" What? " was all I could say .

" Why are you a rouge " he asked again.

" I — I don't know " was all I said putting my fork down .

" How do you not know ? " he asked .

" I — " I started but was interrupted by him again .

" For someone to become a rouge you would have had to have done something horrible to be kicked out " was all he said starring at me hard .

" I don't know " was all I said .

" You don't smell like a low rank " he said leaning on the table . I just starred at him trying to figure out what was going through his head at this very moment .

" I didn't do anything " I said again .

" i dont believe you  " was all he said .

I just picked my plate up and took it back into the kitchen and just decided to put it in the fridge . And then went back and picked up my glass of water taking it with me back up stairs .

" You ended up in my territory this is not a coincidence. It is impossible for me and you to be mated so you are up to something and I'm going to get to the bottom of it , and when I find out you will see who the real Grayson is " he said causing my stomach to drop .

" What , why is it impossible " I asked looking back at him . He just ignored me, looking into my eyes .

" tell me " I said .

" No " was all he said .

" Grays—-"

" ENOUGH !!! " he yelled slamming his fist on the table and standing up and stalking towards me .

" Talk to me with respect mut " he said pushing me against the wall with his hand around my neck , and once again not in a good way .

" Don't fucking touch me like that Again " I said throwing the water in his face . And Jesus Christ was that the worst thing I could have done in that moment .

" A switch seemed to have flipped because he looked madder then before if that was even possible and he grabbed the glass out my hand and smashed it above my head . I felt as the pieces of glass fell on my head cutting me .

He grabbed my wrist next and gripped it hard I just looked him in the eyes the whole time , as he continued to grip my wrist tighter I could feel that he was about to brake my wrist but not once did I loose eye contact with him . Even through the tears that were starting to come down my face .

" Grayson " I heard from the right causing him to look and finally release me . I just walked away ignoring Colby and ran up the stairs . Instead of healing I could feel my body getting weaker by the day .

I went into my bathroom in my room to examine my head , I had some cuts but they weren't too bad . I looked down at my wrist and saw how purple it was , my wrists looked so small in his hand , I really thought my wrist was going to snap , and it would have if it weren't for Colby . I owe him one .

I decided to just call it a day and go lay in my bed , after hours of just laying there I finally felt my self drifting off to sleep .

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