Chapter 29

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Adeline's POV

" I'm back " said the girl as she walked back in with a smile . She was carrying a whip with her , i watched as she swung it around and stood in front of my cell door.

" This is for being with my man " she said as she swung the door open and came to me as she swung the whip at me .

I winced and gave her my back as soon as I felt the whip come in contact with my stomach ,This can't be good . I looked down as I felt blood running down my stomach.

I continued to wince and bite my lip as she kept whipping the same post over and over again. But I would not be weak .

As soon as she stopped , and went out shutting the door behind her is when I was finally able to breathe . All I could feel was the blood running down my back , and how bad it was currently hurting .

" Are you okay? " asked Lindsey .

" Yes , I'm fine " was all I said as I somehow laid on my side making sure not to put any type of pressure on my back or stomach. 

" You we're with Grayson? " she asked quietly .

After a while of me not answering her questions she asked me another one .

" Was he okay? " she asked this time.

" For a little bit " was all I said .

" You know , he was such a beautiful person. He always did everything for me and made sure I was okay. He'd always come home with my favorite flowers . Too bad I could never give him a child " she said , saying the last thing sadly .

All I did was shut my eyes as I felt a ping of hurt as she talked about Grayson this way , knowing I will never see this side of Grayson .

I felt the tears slide down my face , trying not to make a sound . But I cried , I cried because I was stuck here and because I missed Grayson . And because I knew I'd never see him again, because as soon as I could I'd leave this place and run , run as far as I can and never look back . I'd raise my baby by myself , I have no experience whatsoever but I'd figure it out , just like I did everything else.

Because now that I know Lindsey is Alive , me and my baby stand no chance against her . She'd win , every damn time and I am not strong enough to see that happen . I will not be a second choice, WE will not be a second choice.

So I'll help Lindsey escape too , and send her on her way to Grayson. So that he can get his life back , and finally be happy once again. As much as it hurts I know it's what he needs , he'd be getting a piece of his soul back he thought was gone forever .


3 weeks later

Every damn day it was the same thing , that bitch would come in here drag me out and take me to some room and inject me with wolfsbane and do I don't know what else to me . I had bruises and scars along my body now , and I don't care how I looked right now I was just praying to the moon goddess that my baby was okay.

" You know , Grayson doesn't even miss you . As a matter of fact he looks better now. He doesn't have to deal with a girl that claimed to be his mate . Now he spends every night with me ." She said.

I just stayed quiet and watched as she picked up the the syringe that had some type of liquid that would knock me out each time .

As it was about to go into my skin someone came in slamming the door open. " We're being attacked " was all the person said as she put the syringe down and she ran out the room .

I tried pulling at the rope tying me down to this chair thing , but it was impossible I was too weak. I jumped as the door slammed open and there stood Colby.

" Colby !!! " I said as the tears starting flowing down my face . I was finally going to get out of here .

" Oh Adeline , I'm so sorry " he said as he untied me . And I hugged him feeling happy to see him.

" Colby you have to let me go " was all I said as I pulled away looking at his face .

" What? " he said .

" Please , just let me go . I'll be fine " was all I said .

" Adeline ... I can't do that " was what he said .

" Please Colby , s-shes alive . He's going to choose her just — just let me go please " was what I said as I felt the tears falling down my face .

He looked shocked and I watched his mouth open and close trying to find the right words to say.

" She's Alive??" He asked not believing the words that just came out of my mouth .

" Colby please " I said one more time .

" I'm sorry Adeline but I can't do that " was what he said as he pulled me up .

" I'm sorry Colby , but I can't go back " was what I said as I stuck the syringe that bitch always stuck in me . I watched as his eyes rolled back and he fell to the ground .

" I'm so sorry Colby " was what I said as I walked around him and out the door .I had to find an exit and not get caught, couldn't be too hard .

After 6 minutes of running around trying to find an exit I finally opened a door that led me outside . After making sure no one was outside I made a run towards the woods . Once I was in there I looked around making sure no one was coming or saw me .

And I looked to my right and there stood Grayson starting at something or someone . I watched as Lindsey ran towards Grayson and jumped into his arms . He caught her and he fell on His knees gripping her tighter . I watched as tears fell from his eyes .

Just as mine fell from mine , as I watched this I felt a piece of my heart break . I fell to the ground gripping my chest as I cried . 

I watched as she kissed him and right there is when I decided I had seen enough . So with the pain I was feeling in my chest I got up and ran deeper in the woods .

And I know he'll  be okay , he'll be happy and that's why I choose to leave . He's going to get a piece of himself  back today. While I loose a piece of myself . 

I love you Grayson.

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