Chapter 35

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Adeline's POV

I quickly stood up ready to fight as I heard a loud bang , I looked around realizing I was still in Avery's house . I looked at her to see her looking at me with a very guilty face .

" I'm so sorry , I tried catching it but it sl—- " she started saying .

" It's okay " I told her as I sat back down on the couch and rubbed my belly.

" Can i ask you a question? " I asked her as I saw her tense up. As if knowing what I was about to ask .

" Okay " she said.

" Why are you on your own out here ? " I asked her.

" When I was little my Pack was attacked , and I was told to run, me and my Older sister ran into the woods . But we got separated, I don't remember much of how that happened . But this older witch found me and took care of me until the day she died....she died 5 years ago" she said . But all I could do was stare at her, could it be possible we come from the same place? Our stories sound very similar .

" D-Do you know what pack you came from? Or do you remember anything? " I asked her trying to know more.

" No , I have no idea. I was too young to remember much" she said.

Could it be we come from the same pack?

" How old are you Avery? " I asked her.

" I'm 22 " she said . Okay so she's 2 years older then me .

" Avery this might sound crazy but I think we come from the same pack" I told her as I saw her look at me with shock.

" Why do you think that? " she asked .

" Because 12 years ago my pack was attacked and my mom also took me to the woods and told me to run and never look back" I said as I got up and started pacing around.

" Oh my god , how could this be? " She asked .

"I don't know " was all I said.

" So you've been alone this whole time? " she asked.

" Yes " is what I told her before telling her everything that's happened to me, from growing up alone in the woods as a child and to when I was captured and met my mate and what happened to what led me to this exact spot.

" Wow , I'm so sorry you had to grow up alone as a child. I can't imagine how scary that must have been , and then to have to fight wolves off . I'm so sorry " she said looking down almost with guilt .

" And then with your mate ... I'm so sorry . " she said . As she reached over and rubbed my bump.

" Yea , I'll be okay . We'll be okay " i said as I rubbed my belly.

" Yes you will , and you're not alone because the moon goddess led us to each other again . And together we will find out what happened to our parents" she said.

After that we baked some cookies and got to know each other better , we talked about our favorite things , what we hate . Anything you could think about we talked about .

" So you'll be staying here with me right? " she asked .

" If it's not too much then yes I'd love to stay , at least till I can get a job and find me a place to stay" I told her.

" perfect , stay as long as you want " she said hugging me.

" Do you work? " I asked her.

" yes I work in a cute little diner " she said.

" Do you know if they are hiring" I asked .

" Oh trust me , they are hiring . It's just me and the owners and they cook and I'm at front and having you there would help so much " she said .

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