Chapter 53

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Grayson's POV

We continued to wait in the waiting room of the Pack doctor, I had now moved to walking around as I could not stay still anymore . Everyone else still continued to stare at me .

I can't believe that as soon as I find her again I loose her , and then find her as she's hurt , badly Oo hurt . From the way she put all her body weight on me I knew she would not be able to walk without feeling any pain, I don't know how she walked from the spot she landed to the woods where I got her .

After I found Lindsey and Adeline that day , things have not been the same . I wish she hadn't ran away , because I know she was alone again. And it's my fault , and I know it .

I want to Apologize to her and I'll beg down on my knees for her to forgive me if I have too, that day she left she took a piece of me with her , and finally she's here . I found her.

We all stood as we heard a door open , and soon enough the pack doctor walked out . Sweating from his forehead and looking a little stressed . This can't be good.

" So she passed out due to the pain , her body was too weak ,she does have some broken ribs , her left arm will have to be in a cast and she will not be able to walk right now , the pain in her legs will be too much, she also broke some bones there . It will take a while for her to fully heal , but it should all go smoothly . You guys can go ahead and see her but she is very bruised so don't freak out " said the doctor.

" Thank you " said the older women as they all went in to see her . I debated following behind them , but the older women looked back at me and gave me a nod . I walked their way and closed the door behind me .

Oh my beautiful mate , she laid there on the bed with Bruises on her face and arms from what I could see . She had a cast on her left arm and one on her foot . I know this would be a pain for her , seeing how stubborn she is and not being able to do anything her self.

Everyone had now left , they were looking for someone named Hope. I decided to stay here with her so when she wakes up she won't be alone. I hope they find whoever that hope is , she sounds important .

It had now been two hours and still nothing , she hadn't even moved her finger.

" did you find her? " asked Colby through the mind link .

" Yes I found her , the pack she is staying in was getting attacked . She was hurt badly " i Said back. I could feel him start to worry .

" But she's fine, she has a couple broken things but you know her , she put up a really good fight. " I told him smiling down at her.

" That is true , she is special " he said .

" Let us know how she's doing, everyone here is worried for her . " he said.

" I will " I told him cutting off the link .


I looked around remembering where I was at, I looked at the clock and i realized I had fell asleep and slept for 5 hours . I hadn't gotten sleep as good as this one in a while , even if I slept in a small hard uncomfortable chair .

It was her.

I had missed her , I had been worried for her . It had seemed like the earth swallowed her , we couldn't find her anywhere . Now here she is laying right in front of me . I hope she doesn't hate me .

I immediately stood up and ran to get the doctor as I saw her start to move , I grabbed her hand as she started opening her eyes , I turned off the light for her and she was able to fully open her eyes . Fist thing she did was look at our hands that were touching and slowly her eyes moved up my hand and to my face .

As our eyes connected she moved her hand as if I had burnt her , feeling a bit hurt I put my hand down .

" Um the doctor is coming in " I told her as I backed up and just starred at her.

" Adeline , it's so good to see you're finally awake . Do you feel any pain at the moment? " asked the doctor .

All she did was shake her head " no " and looked out the window, and just like that it seemed like something in her clicked and soon she was panicking and looking around . She started to rip everything that was connected to her off and she started to get up .

" Woah Woah " i said as I pushed her back into the bed.

" Hope??? " she asked as she looked at the doctor with hope.

The doctor just looked down , answering her question . She started crying in my arms and yelling for Hope . Soon enough the lady walked in with the rest of her family.

" THIS IS YOUR FAULT! " screamed Adeline as she looked at Alpha Aiden. All he did was put his head down.

I just watched everything, still wondering who hope was.

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