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Tine was stunned as he looks at his hands and surrounding which were covered in red paint. He couldn't process what happened. Sarawat rushed to Tine's side and pulls out a tissue to wipe Tine's face. Meanwhile, Tine looks around but found others equally stunned. 

"Who did this?" Tine asked as he pushes Sarawat away and looks at the class for an answer. 

No one answered which was driving Tine mad, he was about to shout again but Sarawat grabbed his hand, "Let's get you clean first," 

Tine looks at Sarawat with a hurt face and nodded, "It's okay, we will find out who did this. Don't be upset" Sarawat whispered gently as he squeezed Tine's hand while pulling him towards the football shower room. 

"In the morning, there was paint all over my seat…. I don't think it was a mistake… this is too cruel for a prank too.." Tine whispered weakly, Sarawat took a deep breath before patting Tine's hair to calm him

"It's okay, I'm here… I will find out who's behind this" Sarawat assured Tine who was pouting, Tine moves forward to hug Sarawat but Sarawat puts his hand over Tine's forehead to stop him. 

"You're still covered in paint! I got only 1 pair of clothes. Go bath! I will get it for you" Sarawat ordered Tine who pouts cutely for being rejected. 

"Bath already!" Sarawat ordered again as he pushed Tine inside the cubicle with a towel. 

                               "You are being too happy and smiling… I don't mind it but now you are creeping me out with your energy" Nuea whispered as he watched Kaeng busy texting someone on his phone. 

"Why? Don't you have any better thing to do rather than watching me? Are you the weird one who has no life and watches others for entertainment?" Kaeng said sharply, Nuea puts his hand over his heart and pretended to be in pain. 

"Fatal blow!" Team laughs in amusement which made Nuea turn in his direction with irritation as Team was supposed to take his side. 

"But seriously…  mind telling us what's going on with you? Suddenly you changed a lot, I mean in good sense!" Team added, Nuea nodded in agreement which made Kaeng blink in confusion 

"What do you mean I changed?" Kaeng asked in curiosity as he looks at his friends for an answer. 

"Well, you seem more happy and confident…" Team replied truthfully 

"Also you won't join us at clubs or parties too…" Nuea added, Kaeng looks at them in surprise but then realised that he really didn't go out for a month and more. 

"So… what's the secret?" Nuea asked excitedly, Kaeng gestures them to lean closer. Team and Nuea shared a look as they leans closer to Kaeng

"Mind your own business…" Kaeng whispered, making both Nuea and Kaeng glare at him

"Fuck you Kaeng" Team glared at Kaeng who chuckles in response instead and threw a middle finger at him. 

Kaeng's phone vibrates which made Kaeng grab it excitedly, he smiles after reading Puth's message and stood up. 

"Where are you going??" Nuea asked in curiosity as Kaeng grabs his bag. 

"Going to help P'Puth for tutoring, Don't wait for me after college" Kaeng informs before rushing to find Puth. 


                           A Week later, Kongpob was staring fiercely as Arthit gives the presentation. Arthit ignores Kongpob's obvious stare while others look between them in confusion and worry. 

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