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Tine looks at Sarawat dumbly before his brain could formulate what Sarawat said. Meanwhile, Mr Teepakorn wasn’t sure what Sarawat meant and spoke, “Tine? What do you want with Tine?”

Sarawat looks at Tine who was looking back at him eagerly and spoke, “I don’t trust you, I’m scared that you might backstab me as you did with my parents so I want a deal to secure my position in the company and my brother and my life… I want Tine to marry me..”

A bright smile broke over his smiles and if it wasn’t for his dad, Tine would have jumped into Sarawat’s arm. Sarawat glared at Tine sharply when noticed younger excitedly fiddling in his place.

Tine quickly put on a calm face and then looks at his dad for his reaction, Mr Teepakorn stood up angrily and shouted, “No way I will not agree to this! I won’t put my son at risk!”

“Then be ready to see your company get destroyed, without any evidence you can’t save your company… Let me see what you gonna do then” Sarawat threatens Mr Teepakorn who turned pale

“Listen Sarawat! My son is already engaged, there’s nothing to be done now…” Mr Teepakorn tried to convince Sarawat

“Just an engagement, it won’t be a problem if you break it. Are you worried about Rojnapat? I will handle it..” Sarawat said calmly

“Dad! I agree with him, let me sacrifice himself! I don’t care if he hurts me,  beats me, starves me… I will pay this debt…” Tine grabs his father’s hand and said eagerly.

Mr Teepakorn was surprised by Tine’s enthusiasm and looks at him dumbly, “I mean..  I can’t let your effort go waste dad…. Company is more important..” Tine said again adjusting his mood.

“You don’t have a choice, either you agree and save the company or forget about everything” Sarawat said as he picks up the file and threw it on the table.

“But Tine! You love Arthit! I can’t let you suffer! I did many things wrong but I can’t wrong you…” Mr Teepakorn said emotionally as he grabs Tine’s cheek.

Tine was trying his best not to scowls and looks down at the ground, pretending to be safe and spoke, “My love for Phee isn’t more than for this company, I can’t let you suffer either dad….”

“I will give you time till tomorrow morning, if you don’t agree then Forget about this company..” Sarawat said as he looks around the room.

He walked out of the room while Mr Teepakoen fell over the chair due to frustration and pressure, Tine looks at his dad before running after Sarawat.

Luckily he found Sarawat near the lift and quickly grabbed his hand, “Excuse us for second please…” Tine told Sarawat’s secretary before dragging him towards his office

Soon as they entered inside, Tine wrapped his arm around Sarawat’s shoulder and kissed him. Sarawat pushed Tine towards the door and pulled his hands above his head, Tine looks at Sarawat in confusion while Sarawat was panting hard

“Baby… I missed you…” Sarawat whispered as he leans closer and kissed Tine’s lips gently.

“Miss you too…allot…” Tine replies softly.

Sarawat kisses Tine hungrily, Tine felt his legs turning jelly, fortunately, Sarawat was holding his arms and waist. Sarawat finally let go of Tine’s hands and kissed his forehead.

“Thank you for trusting me…” Sarawat whispered again as he pecked Tine’s lips who suddenly burst into tears, “Fuck! I was so scared!”

“Shee… I promise that everything will be good… just trying to convince your dad to agree to my condition..” Sarawat rubs Tine’s back, Tine nods though looks at Sarawat in confusion and spoke, “Sarawat… are you really satisfied by all this alone? I was scared that you planned to reveal to everyone what dad did ….”

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