Let the Training Commence!

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The moon hung in the sky and cicadas chirped their song. Almost everyone else was in bed by now—except the guards who were out on patrol. The Wu Clan was an important clan in Zahn City. Being an important clan meant they had a good deal of wealth compared to everybody else, which also meant there might be people who wanted to steal from them. Wu Jian didn't know why anyone would turn to a life of crime, but he had been taught about criminals and capital punishment since dealing with them was one of many duties the clan head dealt with.

Wu Jian lay awake in bed, waiting. He strained his ears to listen. No sounds except the cicadas met them, but still he continued to listen, quietly, with only his own breathing to accompany the songs of the night.

Finally, it came.

A knock at the door.

Wu Jian slipped out from underneath his covers, crept toward the shoji screen door, and pressed his hands against it.

"It's a lovely night, isn't it?" he asked.

"But not as lovely as me, right?" a girlish voice asked back.

Grinning, Wu Jian opened the door just a crack and allowed someone to slip inside. The person turned out to be a young girl with skin whiter than fresh snow, sky blue eyes, pink lips, and hair like midnight. It was Wu Meiying, who was grinning at him with pride.

"Did the guards spot you?" Wu Jian asked.

"Hmph. Who do you think you're talking to? The guards would never be able to spot me even if they trained for a million years," Wu Meiying crossed her arms and huffed.

"It doesn't hurt to ask. Anyway, make yourself comfortable."

"Don't mind if I do."

Wu Jian and Wu Meiying crawled back underneath the covers of his futon. It was cold during the winter, and it was even colder at night. Wu Meiying's body was practically freezing. Even Wu Jian hissed and jerked back when he touched her cold skin.

"Gosh, your skin is so cold," he said.

"Of course it is. It's cold outside."

"Guess I should help you warm up then."

They didn't lay down right away. Sitting facing each other, Wu Jian placed his hands on Wu Meiying's shoulders and began rubbing her arms to warm them up. His own skin became chilly. He could see her better thanks to the light from the moon, and her face and lips were paler than normal.

"My lips are also cold," Wu Meiying said.

"Okay. I'll warm those up too."

Wu Jian leaned over and kissed Wu Meiying, who happily returned the kiss. This was something that Father and Mother often did when they thought no one was looking. Wu Jian and Wu Meiying began copying them after seeing them do it several times. Father and Mother had both told them they couldn't and tried to explain that it was something only married couples did, but they would be marrying eventually anyway, so it was okay.

After Wu Meiying's body became warmer, they both laid down so they were facing each other and talked. They talked about whatever struck their fancy, from what they thought of that morning's lessons to how much older Grandpa Son looked.

"I think I saw a new wrinkle on his face today."

"He also has less hair. Do you think it's from stress?"

"I don't know, but I did hear a rumor that Wu Yong and his flunkies had been caught mistreating the books. They were let off because Wu Yong is uncle's son, and Wu Fei and Wu Ming are grandsons of the elders."

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