Journey to Dahua City

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Despite having studied geography under Wu Taohua's strict tutorship, Wu Jian had never traveled to another city before. He had remained within the clan compound for years. After proving his strength at the annual Wu Clan Strength Competition, he had been allowed to travel into Zahn City, but that was it.

Perhaps that was why he felt a sense of exhilaration at the moment.

This is my first time leaving Zahn City. I wonder what the other cities are like? How different are they?

It was exciting to imagine what he might discover in this new city. What wonders awaited him and his companions.

He sat inside of a carriage painted in red and inlaid with golden designs of Qilins of varying appearances. The seat was more comfortable than anything he had ever sat on. It was so fluffy he wondered if this was what clouds felt like.

He wasn't the only person present either. Sitting with him was an irate Wu Meiying, Hou Jingshu, Zhou Lihua, and her two female bodyguards, who had introduced themselves the previous day as Zhou Ling and Zhou Lan.

"What's wrong, Mei?" asked Wu Jian.

"Nothing's wrong," said Wu Meiying.

"If nothing is wrong, then why do you look like you swallowed a lemon?" asked Hou Jingshu.

"Look. I said nothing is wrong, so nothing is wrong. Don't worry about me."

Wu Jian shared a look with Hou Jingshu. Neither of them could figure out why their friend, normally so upbeat and talkative, looked so perturbed. Unfortunately, Wu Meiying didn't seem interested in telling them what was bothering her.

Wu Meiying was normally very open about her feelings. This was the first time in recent memory where she clammed up. It was a little worrying.

There were more people outside of the carriage. When Wu Jian looked through the window, he could see the guards surrounding them.

Most of them were dressed in light armor with a lacquered yellow and red finish. It was lamellar armour, a type of armour made from steel rectangular plates laced into horizontal rows. Every guard present was also at the Hunger Realm, though the guard captain was at a half-step into the Anima Realm.

The fact that they had someone so strong acting as a mere guard was a testament to the Zhou Clan's power.

This bodyguard detail had been Zhou Zu's idea. The man had not wanted his daughter going off to another city without a "proper" escort.

Just then, an auburn-haired young man peered into the carriage through the window. It was Zhou Chao, who Wu Jian had met once before. The young man had not left a good impressive on him. This journey had done nothing to make that impression disappear.

"Are you okay, princess?" he asked through the window.

Zhou Lihua smiled. "I am just fine, as you can see. Please do not worry yourself about me."

"I'm just making sure." His eyes flickered to Wu Jian, then back to Zhou Lihua. "It is important to make sure the people whom you keep in your company know better than to try anything... untoward to you."

Wu Jian clicked his tongue as the man left. Zhou Lihua gave him an apologetic smile.

"I am sorry about him. I believe he is jealous of you because of how I treat you like a close friend."

Wu Jian shrugged. "I guess I can't blame him for that, though it is annoying."

He wondered if maybe Zhou Chao had designs on Zhou Lihua, but he shook the thought off since it didn't matter. Whatever happened between those two was their business. He didn't feel like getting involved.

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