Small Talk

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The Wu Clan did not have much in the way of recreation. In the capital city, there were apparently all kinds of distractions. People could travel to cafés where they sat down and ate delicious meals with friends, go shopping in the many chique stores and boutiques, visit the arena and watch cultivators battle for fame and fortune, or visit historic sites and monuments. The Wu Clan, and Zahn City as a whole, had none of that.

"The capital sure sounds amazing," Wu Jian said as he and Wu Meiying listened to Hou Jingshu talk about life in the capital. All of it seemed so fantastical to him. He almost had trouble imagining a world like the one Hou Jingshu described.

"The biggest forms of entertainment we have here are the annual Wu Clan strength competition and the Three Clans Competition that happens once every two years," Wu Meiying added. She paused before smiling. "Well, we also have the library, but very few people are interested in reading fiction books aside from us."

The three of them were sitting in Wu Jian's private courtyard. Their feet dangled off the porch, not quite touching the ground. Spread out before them was a beautiful zen garden. Sand raked into concentric circles created peaceful patterns before their eyes, broken apart by beautiful grass and tall boulders jutting from the white sands. The boulders formed a path that Wu Jian and Wu Meiying sometimes sparred on for balance training. In the very center of the garden was a small island with a bonsai tree.

Wu Jian nodded. So many people were busy attempting to acquire strength and power that they never bothered to read fiction novels—at least, none of those in the Wu Clan did. He and Wu Meiying were the only ones who enjoyed reading for reading's sake.

"What is the Three Clans Competition?" asked Hou Jingshu.

"It's a competition hosted by the three clans in Zahn City," Wu Jian explained. "There's the Wu Clan, of course, but Zahn City also has the Ming Clan and the Juishi Family. Once every two years, all three clans get together and host a tournament to see who the strongest among the clans are."

"There are two parts to this tournament," Wu Meiying added when Wu Jian paused for breath. "The preliminaries and the actual tournament itself. The preliminaries are for people outside the clan who wish to join. They compete amongst each other and the winners can join the tournament proper. The tournament itself is meant only for the young, however, so anyone who has already broken through to the Hunger Realm is not allowed to compete."

Hou Jingshu perked up. "Have you two competed in the tournament?"

"We have," Wu Meiying confirmed.

"It's a good way to test ourselves against a variety of opponents," Wu Jian added.

Thanks to the confidence he had gained after the strength test four years ago and his determination to grow stronger, Wu Jian was constantly seeking new challenges to test his limits. He always wanted to know what the limits of his strength were. That way he could work on breaking through those limits.

"When was the last tournament?" asked Hou Jingshu.

At that moment, a servant came by and delivered refreshments to them. She placed a tray filled with oolong tea and matcha-flavored rice balls on the porch. The woman smiled at them, tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and left them in peace. She stopped only once or twice to look back at them.

"The last tournament was held... about two years ago," Wu Meiying said, smiling as she remembered it. "Jian and I placed second and third respectively."

"I still think you went easy on me," Wu Jian said with a sigh.

"Nonsense. I would never purposefully lose to you."

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