A Toast to Friendship

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Fall came after summer. With the passage of summer, the leaves became colored in varying shades of red, yellow, and orange. The heat dissipated and gave way to a relaxing coolness that soothed the many people who spent the last three months sweltering in the fields. Even the sun seemed more gentle now.

Wu Jian had turned a year older. Now thirteen, he had changed a bit from when he was twelve, having grown an extra several inches. He stood about a head taller than Hou Jingshu, though Wu Meiying almost matched his height. He still remembered how Hou Jingshu had complained when his height skyrocketed past her. That girl could get awfully competitive over the silliest things.

As a clan who's primary source of income came from a combination of farming, ingredient gathering, and taxation, fall was a good time of year for the Wu Clan.

While the main family always lived within the compound, many branch members lived on the farms that extended past Zahn City. Wu Jian had only been there a few times. They grew crops such as sweet potatoes, maize, rice, and tea. Crops would be rotated out after a new season to restore nutrients to the soil.

Since he was the clan heir, Wu Jian had been taught all he needed to know about farming. That time when he went out on the farm was actually to have him work the fields and tend to the animals so he could understand what kind of work went into maintaining it. Father had said it was important he understand what their work was like so he could better lead them when he became clan head.

At present, however, he was not doing anything involving crops or farming.

"We appreciate you coming all this way to visit," said Zhou Zu to Father.

"Not at all. I am grateful you invited me," said Father with a polite bow.

Wu Jian was currently at the Zhou Clan estate with Father. He normally would have been in the library with Wu Meiying and Hou Jingshu at this time of day, but attending functions like this with his father was another of his duties as heir.

Fortunately, there was someone present who could take the edge off his disappointment.

"It's good to see you, Jian. We haven't been able to see each other since our trip to Dahua City." Zhou Lihua hugged Wu Jian's arm to her chest. The look she gave him was quite coy. "I have missed you."

Aware of the eyes of both his father and Zhou Zu on him, Wu Jian gave her the best smile he could muster. "It has been a while, hasn't it? Um... and I guess I missed you too."

"You guess? You sound very uncertain. Did you really miss me, or are you just saying that?" Zhou Lihua said through narrowed eyes.

"I mean, I did miss you. Definitely. For sure," Wu Jian said with a trail of cold sweat trickling down his neck. He had never felt this flustered before. Was it her seductively narrowed eyes? That cute pout? The way she leaned into him?

I can feel her warmth through our clothes...

Zhou Lihua's expression brightened instantly. "I'm so glad to hear that!"

Maybe it was because of her absence in his life, but Zhou Lihua seemed to have grown even more beautiful since he had last seen her. Her pure white skin contained a vibrancy that hadn't been present before. The permanent blush of her cheeks made her even more alluring. She wore an off-the-shoulder hanfu that revealed her slender shoulders and a hint of her creamy cleavage.

It was a sight that made his throat dry.

He was a growing boy in the throes of puberty.

Wu Jian somehow felt like he had been duped, but he could say nothing as he and Zhou Lihua followed Father and Zhou Zu into the Zhou Clan compound.

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