Getting a Gift, Part I

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There was a lot that went into preparing for a birthday party—not the least of which was buying a suitable gift. And since a person's sixteenth birthday was the only one anyone ever celebrated, it was especially important that the gift be as extravagant as possible.

Sixteen was the most important birthday in a person's life. Not only would someone at this age be officially considered an adult, but this was when a cultivator's meridians and dantian activated. If a person didn't activate them when they turned sixteen, they would never be able to cultivate. The meridians and dantian would wither a few weeks after a person turned sixteen and become unusable.

For a clan that relied on cultivators to build their powerbase, someone who couldn't activate their meridians and dantian was a disgrace to the family.

For commoners, gifts often included practical items or money. It was not unusual for someone turning sixteen to receive a gold spirit coin, which was the equivalent to one hundred silver spirit coins. This was a lot when someone took into account how the average family could live for over a month on one gold spirit coin. Wu Jian had heard that the average income for commoners was about fifteen gold spirit coins a year.

A gift like that would not work for the heiress of a clan, especially when said heiress belonged to one of the most prominent clans on the entire Xiao Continent. Zhou Lihua might have been the daughter of a branch family, but that meant little to someone like Wu Jian, who belonged to the tiny Wu Clan.

"Father has left getting a suitable present for Zhou Lihua to me, but I really don't know what to get for the heiress to a clan like the Zhou Clan. They're so powerful. There's nothing I can get that they can't, and any present I get feels like it would be an insult to them. Do either of you have any ideas?"

Wu Jian looked at Wu Meiying and Hou Jingshu, both of whom sat on his bed.

Wu Meiying's posture was lacking Hou Jingshu's elegance. She sat with her legs straight out, arms behind her as she leaned back, and her feet on his lap. By contrast, Hou Jingshu sait with her legs crossed, back straight, and her hands clasped together on her lap—just like a proper princess.

"Sixteen is an auspicious age. In the Imperial Capital, when someone turns sixteen, it is not unusual to get them a pill refined by a fourth-tier alchemist that will help them break through to the Hunger Realm," Hou Jingshu said.

"Unfortunately, there aren't any fourth-tier alchemists anywhere near here," Wu Jian said with a wry smile.

"Yes... that is true." Hou Jingshu sighed. "In that case, I do not know what sort of gift would be suitable for a princess of the Zhou Clan. I doubt there's anything in this tiny city that would make an appropriate gift."

Wu Jian furrowed his brow as he absently grabbed Wu Meiying's feet. They were tiny enough that his hands were almost the same size. He spent a moment playing with her toes as he thought about his dilemma. Really. What could he get someone like Zhou Lihua that would be worth giving?

"We could always try to find her a sacred treasure that will have the same effect as a fourth-tier alchemy pill," Wu Meiying suggested as she wiggled her toes against his hands. He got the hint and began massaging her feet.

"Are you saying we should head into the Twin Fang Mountain again?" asked Wu Jian.

"Again? Have you gone there before?" asked Hou Jingshu.

"We have, and we almost died. We were attacked by a Spotted Snow Lion at the Anima Realm," Wu Jian said. The Shang Kingdom princess paled.

"We're much stronger now than we were back then. I don't think we'd lose to a Spotted Snow Lion. Also, we'll ask Wu Taohua to come with us. I don't think Uncle will refuse if someone as strong as her is around to protect us," Wu Meiying said, using logic to win her argument.

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