Killing Intent, Part II

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So this was all about proving himself to his old man? Wu Jian could understand and even respect that. Was that not what all young men wanted? Wu Jian often wanted to earn the approval and respect of his Father as well.

But he would still never respect Ming Shen.

The boy was arrogant and had no regard for others. Who cared if he went through a hard time? A lot of people had it rough. Nothing about his circumstances were special, and to make matters worse, he treated others like crap, bringing them down to elevate himself. Wu Jian wouldn't sympathize with someone like him.

The two attacked again. Ming Shen seemed to have learned from their last round, for he avoided firing off chi blasts and instead attacked with his sword. Wu Jian was forced to block each swing. His arm felt heavy as he deflected the blows, but it wasn't so bad. Ming Shen might have been able to use chi to enhance his physical prowess, but Wu Jian's strength was tested at over sixteen thousand. Even without chi, he was incredibly powerful.

"Damn it! Damn it damn it damn it! Why! Can't! I! Beat! You?! Why are you so much better than me?! Why were you born with all this talent?! I'm the one at the Hunger Realm! I should be stronger than you!"

Ming Shen screamed as he attacked Wu Jian, releasing what must have been a lot of pent up emotions. How long had he been keeping these feelings locked inside? Wu Jian had always known of this man's jealousy. Ever since the first tournament he participated in, when he nearly defeated Ming Shen at the tender age of nine, this person had hated him. All that hatred was coming out now.

But so what? Who cares if he hates me? This frog in a well has always coveted things that aren't his, and he plays dirty to get his way. I'll prove to him here and now that all the hard work I put into getting stronger can match and exceed any dirty trick he might try to pull!

Had their cultivation been equal, Wu Jian would have had the advantage.Ming Shen was raging. A person who was angry made irrational decisions. With their mind clouded, they were prone to making mistakes, but he could only capitalize on those mistakes if their strength was about equal. Unfortunately, Ming Shen was at the Hunger Realm, and his powers seemed to grow in response to his anger.

A swing from the left nearly took Wu Jian's head off. He leapt back. The sword whooshed audibly as it came close to grazing his neck.

Another swing. Ming Shen roared as he brought the weapon down. Wu Jian sidestepped and watched as a large furrow was gouged into the stone floor.

If he could have, Wu Jian would have countered the man, but that was impossible when Ming Shen was so much faster than him. He must have been enhancing his body with chi.

Chi could be used to enhance more than just strength. A cultivator's speed, reflexes, and even their flexibility could be boosted by properly channeling chi through one's meridians.

Breathing ragged, chest aching with every inhale, all Wu Jian could do was avoid the brunt of the older man's attacks. He dodged whenever he could. When dodging proved impossible, he angled his weapon in such a way that Ming Shen's blade glanced off. This allowed him to block without taking the brunt of an attack.

But even this method of avoiding damage wouldn't work forever.

Mistakes would eventually be made.

Wu Jian grunted as he blocked another swing of Ming Shen's sword. He was unable to angle his blade this time, and the attack was so strong that his dagger flew out of his hand, leaving him defenseless.

Ming Shen wasn't done yet.

He attacked again.

The sound of his blade cutting the air whistled loud enough to alert Wu Jian to the danger. He ducked as the man swung again. He pressed his hands flat against the ground, lifted his legs, and kicked. His attack was powerful. A loud bang like fireworks going off echoed around them as he kicked Ming Shen's sword from his hands.

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