Painful Goodbyes

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Wu Jian and Wu Meiying stood in front of the Wu Clan compound's gate, facing Hou Jingshu, who looked emotionally torn as she stood before a carriage with the emblem of the Shang Kingdom. The carriage was a work of art, but Wu Jian hardly spared it a glance. He was focused only on the girl before him.

Hou Jingshu's eyes were red and puffy. It looked like she had been crying, or was about to cry, but he didn't dare say anything because doing so might make him cry.

"I guess... this is goodbye for now, huh?" He tried his best to smile. "I hope... I hope your father gets better, and that you can return soon."

"Thank you. I hope for that as well," Hou Jingshu mumbled, looking at the ground.

Wu Jian almost flinched. Someone he loved was leaving. Was this really all he could say? He should have been able to say something, anything to make her feel at least a little better.

Come on! I need to comfort her somehow!

"Just because you're leaving now doesn't mean we won't see each other again," Wu Meiying said with a smile. "I believe we will be back together eventually." She spread her arms. "But since it will be awhile, I think we should at least say goodbye properly. That way we'll have no regrets."

"Meiying... yeah, you're right." Hou Jingshu sniffled as she wiped her nose, then stepped forward, allowing the other girl to embrace her.

Wu Jian stood on the sidelines, lost. He felt like he should have been the one to say all that, but when it mattered the most, his brain had frozen up. It was probably a good thing he had Wu Meiying to rely on for times like this.

After Wu Meiying had her fill, she let go of Hou Jingshu and stepped back, eying him with a look that all but said, "It's your turn. Hurry up and hug her!" He took a deep breath and stepped forward. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close, until not even a sheet of parchment could pass between them.

Hou Jingshu didn't seem quite so shocked when he hugged her this time. She even wrapped her arms around him and clutched the back of his clothes.

Her body was warm. He leaned down and pressed his face against her hair as she buried hers in his chest. Closing his eyes, Wu Jian breathed deeply. This would be the last time they saw each other, so he wanted to burn every thing about her into his memory, from the feel of her as they hugged to the scent of her hair.

"I'm... really going to miss you," Wu Jian said.

"Ah... I'll miss you too," Hou Jingshu replied.

"I'll try to write to you. I hope that's okay."

"It is. I'll try to write as well."

The longer they remained embracing each other, the less inclined Wu Jian was to let go. Hou Jingshu's warmth and presence was something he had become used to over the many months she had been here. It seemed a bit weird to think about, but almost an entire year had gone by since she arrived.

"Hey, Jingshu. Can I kiss you?"


"I want to kiss you."

"I heard you the first time!"

"Then why ask?"

Hou Jingshu lifted her head to give him a startled look, her face bright red and her eyes wavering. They still had not kissed in the entire time they had known each other. It was odd. Father and Mother always kissed when they thought people weren't looking, so he assumed that was what married couples did, but Hou Jingshu had refused to kiss him on many occasions. He didn't push because he didn't want her to feel pressured. Now that she was leaving, however...

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