Killing Intent, Part I

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Wu Jian's heart was trying to hammer its way out of his chest as the ten people approached them. Their killing intent was palpable. So intense was it that Wu Jian felt like he was being pierced by thousands of poisoned-tipped blades.

He, Wu Meiying, and Hou Jingshu were all strong, but they were only at the Body Forging Realm. That was the first realm before a person stepped into the world of cultivation and the one most people never moved past. If all the people confronting them were at the same realm as them, he would have felt confident about their chances, but the three in front were all at the Hunger Realm.

The Hunger Realm was the stage where people could actually start cultivating. Their ability to gather and store chi inside their dantian allowed them to enhance their physical abilities well past a normal human's limit. This gave them an unprecedent advantage over people at the Body Forging Realm.

"It's been a while. I told you that you would regret spurning me, Wu Meiying." Ming Shen sneered.

Wu Meiying only smiled. "There are many things in life that I'll regret, but even if I were to die here, spurning you is the one thing I'll never regret."

The sneer was wiped from Ming Shen's face with those few words. While he fumed, Juishi Meirin scowled at her.

"Wu Meiying, your time is up. I'm finally going to have my revenge against you for humiliating me all these years."

"Humiliating you? I would never bother doing so banal. You're not even worth my time," Wu Meiying scoffed.

Juishi Meirin had always been second to Wu Meiying, both in terms of talent and beauty. While Wu Meiying never bothered with such things, there was a general consensus among the people of Zahn City, and it was that Juishi Meirin would always be second best. Many people who spoke of them in the same tone would always mention how much better Wu Meiying was than Juishi Meirin. Wu Jian had occasionally heard the people talking when they walked by. Wong Ju had also said it was a popular subject among his drinking buddies.

But while Juishi Meirin might consider this humiliating, Wu Meiying didn't care. She didn't even put those people in her eyes. Perhaps that was just one more reason Juishi Meirin hated her.

"I'll hold these three off," Wu Jian said. "You two can deal with the other eight. Try to be quick about it. I won't last long in a fight against three cultivators."

Wu Jian was already in way over his head. A Body Forging Realm cultivator against Three Hunger Realm cultivators was suicide. There was no way he would be able to last longer than maybe a minute.

"You mean I'll hold these three off," Wu Meiying corrected, stepping forward and twirling the daggers in her hands. "You two take out the other eight. Be quick about it."

Wu Jian wanted to tell her that was not going to happen, but the girl burst forward at an incredible speed and clashed with Wu Ming, who raised his battle axe in time to intercept the attack.

Wu Meiying did not let herself get stopped. While she pressed one dagger against the axe, she swiped the other one at him, hoping to cut his wrist. Even just a knick would be enough to poison him.

Wu Ming wasn't an idiot, however. Whether he knew about the poison or not, he didn't intend to let himself get cut. He leapt back before the weapon could cut through his skin. At the same time, Ming Shen and Juishi Meirin attacked Wu Meiying from the left and right.

"Come on!" Hou Jinghsu shouted. "We need to take out the remaining eight quickly, so we can back up Meiying!"


Wu Jian tore his gaze away from the three-on-one battle and raced toward the eight remaining people who were trying to slip past them.

The first one Wu Jian attacked was the man in the lead. At about four heads taller than Wu Jian, he probably would have been imposing if he wasn't so skinny. The man was a twig. Wu Jian didn't underestimate this man, however, as that would have been foolish. This person was part of a sect, which meant he must have at least had the skills to back up his position.

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