Wu Meiying's Plan

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Wi Jian left the meeting room and took to wandering the compound. He didn't have a destination in mind, though his feet eventually took him to Wu Meiying's room.

He stared up at the familiar building. Maybe it was instinct or desire that brought him here. He couldn't deny that he wanted to see her, to be comforted by her just like he used to when they were younger—except he couldn't because he needed to be strong.

"Jian? What are you doing here? Is the meeting over?"

Wu Meiying and Hou Jingshu were in the room when he arrived. Wu Meiying's room was very plain compared to his own. She had a futon, a mirror, and a closet for her clothes. There were no amenities or luxuries, though the bed was incredibly soft. It was made from the feathers of an echo hawk, a magical beast that was raised in the Shang Kingdom for their soft feathers.

"The meeting isn't finished. I was told I could leave early." He gave her a self-deprecating smile. "I was probably getting in the way."

"How could you say something like that?" asked Hou Jingshu, standing up from the bed and glaring at him.

Wu Meiying also stood up, but she calmly walked over to Wu Jian, until she was standing in front of him. She studied him with that calm gaze of hers. A moment passed. Then she reached out and cupped his face between her hands. Soft warmth engulfed his cheeks as he closed his eyes. Wu Meiying caressed his face with her thumbs. They were warm, soft, and served to calm his emotions.

"It's okay to be worried and afraid," she said at last.

His lips trembled. "But I... have to be strong. You said it yourself. If I'm not strong enough, you'll be taken away from me. I can't be strong if I'm scared."

Wu Meiying sighed softly. "Jian, do you know what courage is?"

"It's being able to face extreme danger and difficulties without fear. It's being daring and bold," Wu Jian answered, opening his eyes.

By this point, Hou Jingshu had walked up to them and was staring at the two with an awkward expression, like she felt out of place, or maybe like she was watching something she knew she shouldn't.

Wu Meiying was ignoring her for the moment. All her attention was on Wu Jian. However, Wu Jian wondered if maybe he should pull away when he saw the expression their other companion was making.

"That is what many people would say courage is, but I do not believe they are correct." Wu Meiying continued to caress his face with her thumbs, a soft smile causing her own to light up. She looked almost like a goddess to Wu Jian as she continued talking. "Courage... true courage is being able to stand up and face great danger even though you are scared. Only idiots don't feel fear. The mark of someone who is courageous is feeling fear but standing up to brave danger anyway because you have something important you want to protect."

Wu Jian didn't say anything for the longest time, but he mulled over her words. Father had always been what Wu Jian believed was a courageous man. He never felt fear in the face of danger and always acted decisively and boldly. His father feared nothing, or so it looked to him. To a young Wu Jian, that had seemed like courage to him, but Wu Meiying was now telling that this wasn't courage.

"I... want to protect you and Hou Jingshu," he said at last. "I'm scared of failing. I'm scared that former Elder Wei and his forces will break through our defenses and kill you both. I'm scared that I won't be able to stop it from happening. And I hate this feeling. I hate feeling helpless, weak, and scared like this."

"I understand, but I think that's fine." Wu Meiying let go of Wu Jian's face and pulled him into a hug. He was taller than her now, so she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down until his head was resting against her chest, allowing him to hear the steady beating of her heart. "As long as you don't let fear paralyse you and continue moving forward, it is okay to be afraid."

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