Ambush, Part II

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The plan they had conceived to deal with the mercenary threat was relatively simple. Wu Jian would reveal himself at the camp, get the mercenaries to chase him, then Wu Taohua, Wu Meiying, and Hou Jingshu would each ambush one of them. Wu Taohua would obviously take on their leader.

It was simple, but simple plans were sometimes the most effective.

Finding the mercenary camp was easy; all they had to do was search for the firelight between the trees. The only real issue they ran into was finding their way through the dark. It was night now, which meant visibility was low.

Voices reached their ears when they finally found the camp.

"I can't believe that fucker, Feng, let himself be killed. Damn it. Now we're down to just the four of us."

"He really underestimated that woman. I'm surprised there's someone so talented in the killing arts all the way out here in the sticks."

"Hmph. Doesn't matter if that woman is a trained killer or not. I'll cut her open with this axe of mine next time. Heh heh. I'm gonna enjoy painting this forest with her blood. It'll be a work of art."

Wu Jian closed his eyes and took a deep breath to retain his calm. He had never dealt with mercenaries before, so the crass way they spoke bothered him.

I can do this. I can. Just take a deep breath, center yourself. Come on, Wu Jian. Don't chicken out now.

When he was sufficiently calm, he opened his eyes again, looked at Wu Taohua and the others, nodded, then began walking. He stepped out from behind several trees and into the firelight. The mercenaries didn't notice him at first, but they soon stopped talking and turned to him. He made sure to widen his eyes in "surprise" before bolting back into the forest.

"Shit! Was that the kid we're after?! Fuck! Go after him!"

The sound of stamping feet echoed behind Wu Jian. He put on a burst of speed as he leapt over a root, darted around a tree, and raced past the spot where Wu Taohua was waiting. If the plan worked as it should, the mercenaries would be struck by an ambush before they knew what hit them.

A scream of surprise echoed back to him seconds later. He turned around to see Wu Taohua already engaged in combat with Li Lang, who was in the process of yanking several needles from his neck.

"Fucking bitch! I'm gonna murder you! Daddy's gonna teach you a lesson!"

"Unless your lesson is how to speak crassly, I doubt there's much you can teach me," Wu Taohua said, her voice cold enough to freeze a person's blood.

The other three mercenaries looked uncertain. They were wondering if they should help their boss. Wu Meiying and Hou Jingshu decided to take that decision out of their hands as they leapt out from behind a pair of trees and attacked. Meanwhile, Wu Jian rushed the one closest to him and tried to clobber him before he could react.

Unfortunately, while this mercenary was only at the Body Forging Realm like him, it was clear that he had more experience in life and death battles. His instincts were honed to a razer's edge. He backstepped just as Wu Jian attacked, avoiding the blow, then swinging his dao in a wide arc that almost cut Wu Jian from left shoulder to right hip.

That was too close! How can he swing that thing so quickly?!

Rolling across the forest floor, Wu Jian skipped back to his feet and—almost found himself impaled upon the man's dao. He gritted his teeth and awkwardly dodged to the side. Having lost the initiative, he found himself being forced to backpedal as the older and more experienced man attacked with a series of slashes and thrusts.

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