Desperation, Part II

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Wu Jian woke up some time later. As he opened the shutters to his bedroom, he gazed upon the evening sun and realized he had probably missed dinner... though whether that even mattered in their situation was another issue entirely. Did they even have enough food left to feed everyone?

Our supplies are running low. That includes food. How many more days can we survive like this? Well, I suppose it won't matter soon.

He decided to forego any exercise, but he didn't neglect to stretch his body. It was important to remain limber. Standing straight, he breathed in, then lowered his torso and breathed out, extending his hands to touch his toes. He held the pose for ten seconds before standing back up. Then he held a different pose to stretch the muscles in his quadruceps.

As he was going through his stretches, a knock sounded at the door.

"Little Jian? Are you asleep?"

"I'm awake, Mother. Please, come in."

The door slid open and Mother stepped inside. She looked as tired as everyone else, with bags under her eyes, a slumped posture, and hollow cheekbones. As the Wu Clan's primary healer alongside Wu Shaolin, she had a lot more work to do than he did. It didn't help that she was a cultivator at the ninth stage of the Hunger Realm. Her affinity was for water, which was the primary element used in healing. Sadly, she didn't have much in the way of combat capabilities.

"Have you been resting properly, Mother?"

His mother smiled, though it looked tired. "When I can, though I fear that's not nearly enough. In either event, your father is asking for you. He, Taohua, and the elders are making a decision on what we should do about this situation. He wants you there."

"I understand. Let me get dressed."

At the moment, Wu Jian was wearing nothing but his underwear. He put on his black pants, a sleeveless shirt, and his black hanfu. After cinching it together with a belt, he followed Mother out of his home and traveled with her to the meeting hall. Father, Wu Taohua, and the elders were already waiting there. They all turned to him and Mother when they entered.

"You're here, Jian. Come and sit. You must be hungry," Father said, gesturing toward a place beside him. A small single-person table and pillow sat there. Atop the table was a plate of rice, some meat, and a type of dipping sauce.

Wu Jian's stomach chose that moment to release an unrestrained growl. He could feel his ears heating up as everyone there smiled at him—well, except Father. He might have been smiling, but it was hard to tell.

Father had a preternaturally resting bitch face.

"I am hungry," Wu Jian admitted.

"Then come and eat."

"You go on ahead. Your mother has more work to do," Mother reached out to run her hand through Wu Jian's hair before turning to leave.

Wu Jian didn't argue. He walked over, sat down where directed, and picked up his chopsticks. The meal was simple. In fact, it was probably the simplest meal he had ever seen, but for someone who hadn't eaten for almost an entire day, even this looked like a feast. Picking up some rice and meat, he dipped it into the sauce and inserted the food into his mouth.

It's so plain, yet so good.

While he ate, the others began talking.

"How are the protections holding?" Father asked.

"They are still holding... but they won't last long," Elder Wu Jinsu confessed with a bitter shake of his head. "I suspect they will last a day... maybe two. However, the protective seals were never meant to protect us for a prolonged period of time. And the seals have been worn away after going so long without use. To be perfectly honest, I am surprised they even worked at all."

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