Sneaking Out

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"Absolutely not. I forbid you from going anywhere near the Twin Fang Mountains."

"But Father—"

"Do not 'but Father' me. My decision is final. You may have begun to finally grow a spine, but the Twin Fang Mountains is far too dangerous for children."

After their lessons, Wu Jian and Wu Meiying visited his father's residence to ask for his permission to travel to the Twin Fang Mountains. Their hope was to find a natural treasure that would boost Wu Jian's training. It seemed like their visit might have been in vain, however.

Located near the northernmost quadrant of the Wu Clan compound, Father's residence was a lot larger than Wu Jian's own. It housed not only his father, but also his mother and his father's second wife. While this building belonged to the clan head, it did not have much in the way of ostentatiousness. Lightly decorated with some portraits and landscape paintings, the only object of real interest was the beautiful Zen Garden located off to one side of the complex. It was covered in snow right now, but once it thawed, it would become a sprawling land of beautiful flowers and bonsai trees.

Wu Jian stood in the reception hall. This was where his father received all of his guests. His fists shook as he received Father's stern glare, which intimidated him and made Wu Jian feel small and insignificant. Even if he wanted to argue, the indomitable presence pushing down on him prevented even a sound of complaint from leaking out of his mouth.

"Y-yes, Father. I understand," Wu Jian said at last.

"Hmph." Father looked at him for a moment longer, then snorted as if he was disappointed with something and turned around. Wu Taohua remained behind for a moment to give Wu Jian a smirk before she, too, turned around and followed Father.

Wu Jian stood in the reception hall for a bit longer, then wordlessly turned and made his way outside, where Wu Meiying was waiting with a scowl marring her pretty face.

"I can't believe Uncle Yōushì is forbidding us from exploring the mountains. Doesn't he realize this is all for your training? You would think he'd be happy that his son is showing an interest in growing stronger, but nooooo, he's still as restricting as ever," she complained.

Wu Jian said nothing as he took Wu Meiying's outstretched hand and began walking off. He should have seen this coming. Of course, Father wouldn't let them travel to the Twin Fang Mountains. They were dangerous, filled with all manner of magical beasts and who knew what else. There was no way Father would let his heir travel somewhere so deadly.

Even though he knew that, he was still reticent and felt a small measure of resentment against his father, but he was too meek to do anything more than sigh and silently lament. He might have stood up to his older half-brother. However, standing up to a boy a few years older was far easier than standing up to the man who controlled the entire Wu Clan. The difference was like heaven and earth.

Since asking his father for permission to leave had been a bust, the pair went to the library and began looking for a book to keep their attention. They would normally read a fiction story. This time, however, they chose a book on clan laws and time honored traditions. It was not a very interesting read, but it contained important information that Wu Jian would need to know if he was to become clan head.

"What do you think we should do now?" asked Wu Jian after maybe fifteen minutes of silence.

"It looks like we don't have much choice." Wu Meiying looked around for a moment as if to make sure no one was listening, then leaned in and whispered into his ear. "We'll have to sneak out."

"Do you think we can?" Wu Jian asked back.

"Of course." With a prideful smile, Wu Meiying winked at him. "Who do you think I am? I've already memorized all of the Wu Clan's patrol routes, and I even know an area of the wall we can climb over. It's on the south side of the compound and isn't guarded very well. We can head over there tonight and slip out unnoticed."

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