Zhou Lihua's Birthday, Part II

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They arrived at the Zhou Clan compound several hours after entering the carriage. The evening sun cast vibrant reds, oranges, and purples along the outer wall, which was decorated with banners and paper lanterns. Several people stood ready to greet them at the large entrance. They stood with their hands clasped and wore elaborate robes.

"One of them was none other than Zhou Zu.

"Oh, my. Welcome, all of you. It is great to see you here. I am honored you could make it."

"The honor is all ours. We were very pleased when you invited us," Father said, bowing.

While Zhou Zu greeted Father and his two wives, a lot of attention was on the girls standing on either side of Wu Jian. Many people would point at them and whisper to each other.

Wu Meiying and Hou Jingshu were abnormally pretty even by noble standards. The mysterious beauty and the lively princess. Wu Jian likened their appearances and personalities to light and day, the sun and the moon. He didn't blame the elders and younger members of the family for staring. Even Zhou Zu kept casting glances at them out of the corner of his eye.

"I see you've learned of the fashion from the Ten Kingdoms Alliance. You know our main family is stationed out of there. I myself have only been there twice in my life, but I suspect my little Lihua will eventually be asked to move there. She's a talented girl, that one, and with her beauty, she is sure to be an asset to the clan,
Zhou Zu boasted. The pride in his voice was something an ignorant fool would be able to hear.

Father smiled, though it looked stiff. "I am certain she will. Even now, I cannot help but be impressed by her prowess both on and off the field of battle."

Zhou Zu chuckled. "That pleases me. However, I do sometimes worry about her drive and competitive nature. I'm afraid she'll scare off all the boys with her attitude."

As Zhou Zu and Father spoke, everyone else fell in step behind them. Wu Taohua and Mother were one step behind them, while Wu Jian, Wu Meiying, and Hou Jingshu were two steps behind them. The elders and youngsters who made up the greeting procession fell several steps behind him and his companions. Even so, he could still make out the conversation between the youngsters.

It's not like they're trying to hide their fascination. Ugh, I wish I could pummel them, but that would be rude.

"So that's Wu Meying and Hou Jingshu? Dang. I knew those two were pretty, but I didn't realize how pretty."

"Looking at them is like admiring the sun and the moon at the same time. How blessed I am to be graced with such visions of loveliness."

"If only that brat wasn't in the picture."

"To think such a young man already has a flower on each arm. I am truly envious."

Wu Jian could only grimace at the dialogue happening behind them, though Wu Meiying appeared amused. She giggled as she gently held his arm.

"Aren't you lucky, Jian? You get to have a flower on each arm during this auspicious event," she teased.

He smiled back. "What are you talking about? I always have a flower on each arm. What makes today any different except for the venue?"

"Could you two please not talk like this? I'm already feeling self-conscious," a blushing Hou Jingshu glanced furtively around as though making sure no one was close enough to hear their conversation.

"I'm a little surprised you feel that way. Shouldn't you be used to events like this?" asked Wu Jian.

"I-I am. I attended events like this all the time back home," Hou Jingshu stuttered.

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