Crimson Skies, Part I

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All those who could fight had gathered at the front gate. Even Father was present. He would not be fighting against the two Anima Realm cultivators, but he said that he could not sit back when his clan was in danger. Wu Jian understood how he felt. Perhaps the others did too, which was why they were letting him participate even though he was unable to use his chi.

Wu Jian's heart was thudding so loudly against his ribcage that he was sure the others could hear it. This would be his first large-scale battle. He had fought against assassins, kidnapping attempts, and mercenaries, but he had never been in such a large battle before.

His hands were slick with sweat.

His breathing felt heavy.

A hand grabbed his. He looked down at the pale hand, then followed it up to the arm, shoulder, and face of Wu Meiying.

"Are you nervous?" she asked.

"I think scared might be more apt," he muttered.

"Yeah, I understand. I'm scared too."

Another hand grabbed onto his other one. He looked over to find Hou Jingshu's face not too far from his own. Her face was red to the roots of her hair.

"I'm not nervous, but I'll hold your hand until it's time for battle to comfort you," she said, not daring to look at him.

He smiled and squeezed her hand back. It was clear that she was every bit as scared as him, perhaps even more so. That made him appreciate the thoughtfulness of her gesture all the more.

"This is it!" a sudden shout went up. The person shouting was Wu Taohua, who stood right before the gate alongside the three elders. "Everyone! Our bodies are tired, hungry, and our morale has been weakened. The Ming Family has arrayed their forces against us and allied themselves with the former Elder Wei to wipe us out! However! We! Will! Not! Fall! Unlike those honorless cowards who can only achieve their goals by using dirty tactics, we will fight with our honor and pride on the line! You all do the Wu Clan proud! Let us fight! And let us bleed our enemies dry!"

Wu Jian had never heard Wu Taohua speak with so much vigor before. She was always so quiet and soft, cold and emotionless, that hearing the passion in her voice left him stunned.

However, her words served a purpose. They galvinized the people around him. As the Wu clansmen beside him sent up a cheer, he realized that she was rallying their people to give them courage. A speech right before battle could sometimes turn the tides. At the very least, he was certain everyone would fight much more fiercely now.

The gates opened and everyone streamed out through them, sweeping along Wu Jian, Wu Meiying, and Hou Jingshu, who were the youngest people battling.

The Fierce Tiger Sect and the Ming Family were not waiting at the front gate but a few li beyond it. Wu Jian caught sight of them after they crested a hill. A large, open plain lay before them, a crazy amount of people congregating not too far away. Wu Jian could not count how many people were present. He assumed there were at least two or three hundred.

The enemy army responded to the sudden appearance of the Wu Clan quickly. They must have been expecting it. Techniques soon flew through the air toward them in a plethora of colors. Lightning slammed into the ground and struck people as they ran, causing them to tumble across the plain as their bodies were shocked. Flames struck the chests of Wu clansmen and lit them ablaze. Several wind blades sliced through arms and legs. However, the Wu Clan did not stop running. They released a vicious battlecry that even Wu Jian could not help but mimic as they increased their speed and finally crashed into the enemy forces.

Clashing blades echoed across the battlefield. A young man and woman crossed swords, trading a dozen blows in half as many seconds, before the young woman was impaled through the chest. She was not a member of the Wu Clan. Before the man could shout in triumph, someone struck him from behind. The Wu clansman's head was removed from his shoulders.

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