The Ornery Alchemist, Part II

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Wu Jian was not sure what he should feel as he stood there, listening to this man degrade him and his clan. Anger? Hate? Worry? He never once imagined that he would find himself facing this man again.

During the tournament that took place in Zahn City, this man had schemed with the Ming Family to cripple him and let Ming Shen win. His schemes were foiled and Father tried to kill him, but the slippery former elder had escaped with his life thanks to his low-grade Spirit Armor.

Wei—for his last name had been removed after he was kicked out of the clan—grinned at Wu Jian with a mixture of condescension and disgust. The look on his face made all present bristle. None looked more upset than Wu Meiying, however.

"Didn't think we would ever see each other again, did you? To be honest, I didn't either. The world is a vast place, and you're just a frog in a well. Ah, but I guess you climbed out of that well a bit, huh?"

"What... are you doing here?" asked Wu Jian.

"What I am doing here is none of your business. You can't honestly expect me to answer that. I'm not a member of the Wu Clan anymore. What I do is my business and mine alone." Wei's grin widened enough to make his teeth visible behind aged lips. He then glanced at Wu Meiying. "I see you're still keeping that bitch by your side. You really should get rid of her. Woman like her are unbefitting the heir of a clan, but... ahh, I guess a pathetic clan like yours isn't much of a clan, is it?"

Wu Jian gnashed his teeth together. He could take a lot—people making fun of him, people speaking poorly of his clan, and even people trying to use him for their own ends, but the one thing he would never stand for was someone insulting Wu Meiying.

"Better to be a bitch than a traitorous old man," Wu Meiying said before he could. "They have a special place in Diyu for people like you. I hear the demons down there enjoy torturing traitors the most."

Wei gritted his teeth as his face turned red. "Do not think your status and abilities will save you! You two might be special to the Wu Clan, but their influence only spreads as far as Zahn City! You're not in Zahn City anymore. Your clan has no influence here. If you're not careful, you may find yourself lying in a ditch somewhere, watching as your life bleeds out of you."

A crowd had begun to form by this point. No one got close enough that he could hear what they were saying, but they surrounded Wu Jian, Wu Meiying, Hou Jingshu, Zhou Lihua, and the former Wu Wei on all sides, whispering to each other as they waited to see what would happen next.

Before this crowd, Hou Jingshu stepped forward, glaring at the man who had insulted her fiancé. "Wu Jian and the Wu Clan might not have much influence, but I do. One letter to the Imperial Palace will see you thrown in jail." She gave him a cold smile. "I also hope you have been practicing prudence. If I recall, the magistrate of this city is someone my father appointed himself. It wouldn't take much to convince him of my status and have him make your life miserable."

Hou Jingshu had been sent to live with the Wu Clan in secret because her father wanted to keep her from becoming involved in the political machinations of his sons. No one was supposed to know her present location, but that didn't mean she would stand idly by while her fiancé was being bullied by a traitorous snake either. By informing this man that she would use her influence as the Shang Kingdom princess, she was also letting him know what would happen if he let others know about her. It was a subtle way of telling him to keep his mouth shut.

Wei's face paled a bit, though color soon returned as he gritted his teeth and glared at Hou Jingshu. It looked like he might say something. Before he could even open his mouth, however, Zhou Lihua took a step forward.

"It seems fate has ordained that we meet again, former head elder Wei." Zhou Lihua bowed, but it was mocking instead of respectful. "I would like to ask that you keep any sordid words to yourself. My father might only be the head of a small branch, but you should know the Zhou Clan always looks after their own." She gestured toward Wu Jian, Wu Meiying, and Hou Jingshu. "These three are now friends of the Zhou Clan and therefore under my protection. I ask that you please watch your words in the future."

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