Betrayal, Part I

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"I think he likes our outfits," Wu Meiying said with a giggle.

"D-do you think so?" Hou Jingshu blushed pink and looked down at her clothes. "It's not... too gaudy, is it?"

"Aren't you the princess of the Shang Kingdom? You should be used to wearing gaudy clothes."

"... I prefer plainer clothes, honestly."

"You two look amazing," Wu Jian said after somehow managing to find his tongue again.

"Thank you." Wu Meiying eyed him up and down, grinned, and said, "You look good too."

"I picked out his outfit," Mother said, puffing out her chest.

"Don't look so proud of yourself," Wu Taohua said with a sigh.

"Anyway, the celebration should be starting soon. It won't do for the guests of honor to arrive late, so you three should go on ahead. Don't worry about us. We'll catch up once we get into our own outfits," Mother assured them.

With his mother all but shooing them out, the trio found themselves walking along the clan compound's shaded walkways. Because they were in ceremonial garbs, they didn't hold hands like normal, and instead, Wu Meiying and Hou Jingshu each hooked one of his arms in theirs.

Wu Jian felt a little more self-conscious than normal. He couldn't tell if it was because of his new clothing, the or intimate closeness between him and the two girls on either side of him. Hou Jingshu must have felt the same way because she was blushing. Wu Meiying was shameless, however, and had the world's largest grin on her face.

They passed a number of people on their way to the dining hall. It wasn't unusual for everyone to stare at them as they walked, but it felt like their gazes were even more fervent now. That might have been another reason he felt so self-conscious. After reaching the dining hall, Wu Jian, Wu Meiying, and Hou Jingshu were met by Elder Wu Jinsu, who directed them to sit at the head table.

"You three are the guests of honor today. Your victory in particular, Wu Jian, has brought the Wu Clan great honor and prestige. Take this chance to enjoy the limelight for a while," Elder Wu Jinsu said.

"We will, thank you," Wu Jian said.

"Elder Jinsu, can I ask what will happen to the head elder position now that Wu Wei has been banished?" asked Wu Meiying.

"Ah... well, I'm told the position might go to Wu Son."

"I don't think Wu Son is a good fit for the role," Wu Meiying said, eyes glazed over. Elder Wu Jinsu's eyes widened as the girl continued speaking with a dull voice as though locked in a trance. "Nothing good will come from him being placed in the position of head elder even if he has seniority. I believe you should have the head elder role and Instructor Lin should become the next elder."

"I will... inform Lord Yōushì of this matter. P-please excuse me," Elder Wu Jinsu said.

"Please do," Wu Meiying said, coming back to herself. She smiled as though nothing had happened.

Hou Jingshu shared a look with Wu Jian. It seemed Wu Meiying had seen something again.

"What did you see just now?" asked Wu Jian.

Wu Meiying smiled, but this time, it was a sad smile the likes of which he'd never seen. "Something I'd rather not talk about, so please don't ask about it."

Wu Jian was curious, but he could see that Wu Meiying was disturbed by whatever she had seen, so he decided to drop the subject. There must have been a reason she wasn't telling him about it.

Father, Mother, Wu Taohua, the two remaining elders, and a confused Instructor Lin soon arrived in the dining hall. They all sat down next to Wu Jian, Wu Meiying, and Hou Jingshu, who were given the seats of honor. Not long after they arrived did other people begin filtering in. The hall was soon filled with hundreds of people. A festive atmosphere seemed to light the place up more surely than the chandeliers overhead.

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