Getting Clothed

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Several days passed after Wu Fei attempted to murder Wu Jian. He had recovered from his injuries nicely and was back to training like normal, though Hou Jingshu had been hovering around him a lot more than usual. She never outright expressed her worry like Wu Meiying did. However, he had noticed that she was looking at him a lot more.

On the other hand, Wu Meiying had constantly asked him how he was feeling and loved getting into his personal space. If he didn't know any better, he would have said she was using his injuries as an excuse to touch him. She had been a lot more handsy than usual.

That day had started just like any other, with some strength training and sparring before they cleaned themselves off and headed to the dining hall for breakfast. A young man stepped in front of them before they could reach their destination. He was tall, possessed dark hair, and dark eyes. Wu Jian didn't know his name, but he was obviously a member of the branch family.

The Wu Clan was divided into two branches: the main family and the branch family. The main family consisted of those who were direct heirs to the clan like him, Wu Yong, and those related to the elders, while the branch family was everyone else. They were only distantly related to members of the main family and often were born from people who married into the family.

As an aside, Wu Yong would have been a branch family member if Wu Taohua had not married the clan head.

Since ability mattered more than lineage, being a member of the main family didn't mean much. Anyone could become clan head if they had the strength for it. However, it was easier to gain strength if you were a main family member because more resources would be spent to cultivate you.

"Lord Yōushì has requested your presence," he said.

"Just mine?" asked Wu Jian.

The branch member nodded. "Just yours."

Wu Jian pursed his lips for a moment, but then turned to Wu Meiying and Hou Jingshu with a smile. "Sorry. It looks like Father wants to speak to me."

"We understand," Hou Jingshu said.

"Go talk to Uncle. We'll see you when you get back," Wu Meiying added.

"Thanks," Wu Jian said.

Father was located inside of his residence, standing in the reception hall. He stood with his back to the door, hands clasped behind his back, staring at a large mural painting that hung from the wall. Mother and Wu Taohua were not with him. Wu Jian entered the room, knelt, and respectfully lowered his head.

"You requested me, Father?" he asked.

"I did," Father said. He finally turned around. "As you know, one of the prizes for winning the Three Clan's Tournament is preferential treatment from the Zhou Clan. I just received a letter from the Zhou Clan this morning. It is a request from Zhou Zu to have dinner with him. The dinner will be held two days from now. His letter asked that I bring you along."

"Just me, Father?"

"Just you."

Wu Jian wanted to frown and say he wouldn't go anywhere without Wu Meiying and Hou Jingshu, but he knew that would be childish of him. He was nearing thirteen years of age now. Such behavior might have been appropriate when he was younger but no longer. It wouldn't be long before he began taking on more adult responsibilities.

I also know that Mey and Jingshu won't always be by my side. There will be times when we're apart. I have to be ready for that.

Now would be a good time to learn what it felt like to be separated from the two girls. He didn't like the idea, but he knew it was necessary if he wanted to become stronger mentally and emotionally.

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