Confrontation Part I

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The three youngsters followed Grandpa Son deeper into the library. They eventually reached a long hallway with numerous archways on either side that led into other areas. However, each side entrance was covered with a thick chi barrier. Each barrier was the same, nearly translucent silver color.

These barriers had been created to keep out people who had not reached the Hunger Realm. Wu Jian had once asked Grandpa Son about what was behind these barriers, and there were apparently more refined martial techniques and cultivation methods that could be dangerous in the wrong hands.

"Are you interested in learning a martial art because of the upcoming Three Clan Tournament?" asked Grandpa Son.

"... Yes." Hou Jingshu hesitated for a moment, but there was no point in not telling him. "I would like to take part, but I don't know any martial arts yet. I need something that will give me an edge."

"The tournament is only three months away. It normally takes years of dedicated training to master a martial art... but perhaps you, with your Perfect Physique, will be able to do what many cannot. At the very least, you should be able to get the basics down in such a short time," Grandpa Son said.

While Hou Jingshu said nothing in response, she did gain a determined fire in her eyes.

They soon left the hall and entered a different area. It was not filled with bookshelves. Instead, there were only a few display cases that were locked and protected by seals. The seals, which took the shape of glowing symbols, offered a degree of protection. The only way to break them would be to overwhelm them with more chi than they were designed to defend against. Of course, this also meant only someone at the Hunger Realm could even attempt to break them, and Grandpa Son had said that only an Asura Realm cultivator had enough power to break the seals.

"This is the martial library," Grandpa Son explained to Hou Jingshu, who had never been here before. "We keep all of our basic martial techniques and styles in here to prevent members of the clan from taking them without our knowledge. The style I think will suit you best is over here."

He led them to a single glass display with several scrolls lining the inside. Grandpa Son made a number of hand seals. Wu Jian tried to memorize them, but the old man had surprisingly dexterous fingers and moved far too fast for him to see more than two hand seals. When he finished, the old man pressed his glowing palm into the glass, which caused the seals to shine brighter for a moment, then fade away.

"This is the martial art I believe would suit you best, given your desire to wield a weapon," Grandpa Son said as he removed the scroll and handed it to Hou Jingshu. "You should also consider yourself fortunate. Normally, only the winner of the Annual Wu Clan Strength Competition would be allowed in here, but I have been told by the clan head to make an exception for you, given your status as royalty."

"I am incredibly grateful. Thank you so much," Hou Jingshu said. She didn't take the scroll right away, but offered a traditional martial bow with the fist of her right hand pressed against the palm of her left.

"You are quite welcome," Grandpa Son said with a smile.

Now that she had her martial art, the group decided to leave the library, get some refreshments, and do some light reading before dinner, when Wu Jian would let Father know he, Wu Meiying, and Hou Jingshu would be heading into Zahn City tomorrow.


It only took maybe fifteen minutes to reach Zahn City by carriage. Wu Jian, Wu Meiying, and Hou Jingshu had decided not to use a carriage, however, and instead ran all the way. Even though they were running, it still only took maybe forty-five minutes at Wu Jian's estimation. By the time they reached the city, Hou Jingshu was gasping for breath, while Wu Jian and Wu Meiying had barely worked up a sweat.

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