Achieving Victory, Part II

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Wu Jian knew that he couldn't get Yue disqualified by accusing her of being older than the tournament's rules allowed. Like she said, he had no proof, but this was also a double-edged sword for Yue.

"I might not have proof, but you can't use chi during the tournament unless you want to be disqualified. That means I still have a chance!"


Yue's shout was followed by an astonished yelp as Wu Jian got his legs in between them, tucked his knees into his chest, and kicked. The loud bang of a harsh impact rang out like fireworks. Yue was launched into the air, traveling in a beautiful parabolic arc before she struck the ground hard.

Skipping back to his feet, Wu Jian raced toward Yue. His opponent had already stood back up. She met his punch head on. Their fists connected. A shock wave swept out from the point of contact. Wu Jian grimaced as he was pushed back. He now understood that her strength wasn't natural. It was the chi-infused strength of someone who had reached the Hunger Realm.

I'm fortunate she can't use her chi overtly. If she could, this battle would have already been over. I need to fight smart. I can still win if I just outmaneuver her.

As the battle continued, Wu Jian found himself being continuously forced back. Yue thrust a fist at him that he dodged by a hair's breadth. She didn't stop with just a punch, however, and Wu Jian struck the ground hard when she kicked his legs out from underneath him. He rolled across the arena floor as she tried to stomp on him. Each attack caused cracks to appear on the arena's tiles.

So this is the strength of someone who has reached the Hunger Realm!

Wu Jian had of course sparred with Instructor Lan, but the Wu Clan instructor always went easy on him and the others. He had never displayed this kind of intent to kill before. This woman was exuding a palpable bloodlust that made the hairs on his scalp prickle.

He didn't want to admit it. However, Wu Jian could feel his body shaking in fear as he realized how much more powerful she was than him. Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if he knew she meant him no harm, but he could feel the ill-intent pouring from her.

"Are you... trying to kill me?" he asked.

"Of course not, but I was told to cripple you if I could," Yue said with a grin. "I'll get paid extra if I can destroy your dantian."

The dantian was the region in the body where a person's chi was concentrated. One could even say the dantian was the source of a cultivator's power. Destroy the dantian, and even the most powerful cultivator would become a cripple. While his was not active yet, that did not mean he didn't have one. Everyone had a dantian. It only became active after someone broke through to the Hunger Realm.

But even inactive as it was, it could still be destroyed.

"I see. I really can't afford to lose to you then," Wu Jian said. He took a deep breath and set himself up in a non-conforming combat stance.

"Hmph. You're good. I'll admit it. I underestimated you... but do you really think you can beat me? You're just a frog in a well! Know your place!"

Yue rushed forward with the intent to cripple him. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest as she closed the distance faster than anyone in the Body Forging Realm ever could. Her next attack was a powerful kick. He dodged, but the force of her kick was enough to send him tumbling across the arena floor.

Wu Jian scrambled to his feet, even as Yue leapt into the air, flipped around, and descended for a heel drop. It was caught on Wu Jian's forearms as he crossed both arms in the shape of an X over his head. The flooring beneath him cracked and his arms groaned in protest, though they fortunately did not break. Wu Jian gritted his teeth to keep from crying out in pain.

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