Chapter 11 -

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Lucy POV - 

It has been a few days since the whole debacle with Bella finding out had happened. During that time, Edward and Bella turned up at school together, which was a sight to behold. When they arrived, all eyes were on them. Bella getting out and walking towards the school with Edward was funny in itself. Edward was walking with grace and Bella was walking with anything but grace. She stumbled whilst getting out of the car and then carelessly walked to the school, stepping in puddles, and wetting the bottom of her jeans. I could tell she was feeling smug about being with the 'famous' Edward Cullen and Jasper confirmed what I was saying, he could feel the smugness coming from her. 

They started distancing themselves from us, by sitting at another table at lunch. They began isolating themselves, Bella didn't hang out with Jess or Angela anymore. Me, I tried to split my time up between everyone. I hung out with my friends and spoke to them. Jasper respected my personal space and I respected his. We never rushed into things, we go to know each other first. Bella and Edward did the opposite, they were toxic, and rushed into everything. Not to mention Jasper had explained to me that Bella was Edward's blood singer, not his mate like I was with Jasper. Being a blood-singer meant that a person's blood was almost like a drug to the said vampire. They constantly have to fight the urge to drain them. Even though, the Cullens had tried to explain to Edward that Bella wasn't his mate but he hadn't listened. So Jasper decided to distance himself from them.

Me and Jasper decided to go on a little date. A date that would consist of a movie and then if it wasn't raining, we would just have a walk through town. We both preferred simple dates, ones that weren't over the top, so this was perfect. I take a shower and just relax. When I get out I throw on a cute but comfortable outfit. I put on some leggings, sneakers, and one of Jasper's jumpers. I don't bother putting makeup on and threw my hair up in a ponytail. 

I decide to get ready early so I can spend some time facetiming Jess and Angela,(who are having a sleepover,) we talk for a little bit and then I decide to spend some time with my dad

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I decide to get ready early so I can spend some time facetiming Jess and Angela,(who are having a sleepover,) we talk for a little bit and then I decide to spend some time with my dad. 

"Hi daddy," I say sitting next to him. 

"Hi sweetheart, you going out later?" I nod at him and tell him about the date with Jasper. 

"That's fine, it's a Friday, so just text me when you think you'll be back. Jasper is a good one, so I trust him," He continues, pulling me into him so we could cuddle on the sofa. I smile so big that dad wholeheartedly likes and trusts him. 

"Of course, please don't wait up, you need your sleep. When I get in I'll lock up and make sure lights are off." I say kissing his cheek. After some resistance, he agrees but tells me that if I needed him just to ring him. We sit in comfortable silence, just watching the T.V.

A little while later, the doorbell rings, and I rush to open the door. I smile widely when I see Jasper in an outfit just as comfy. Some grey sweatpants and a matching sweater. (That I would totally steal.)

"Hi gorgeous," he says handing me some flowers

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"Hi gorgeous," he says handing me some flowers. I thank him and kiss his cheek. 

"DAD," I shout for him.

"Yes?" He replies.

"Could you please put these in a vase and put them in my room?" 

"Of course, it's good to see you, Jasper, have a good time tonight," Dad says shaking Jasper's hand before saying goodbye to me. 

We left hand in hand and he told me we would be walking because Alice said it would not rain tonight. We spend our walk just talking and laughing. 

"You know I'm going to steal that jumper right?" I say with a cheeky smile on my face. 

He laughs and says, "I know baby, but it's fine because when I get them back, they smell like you." 

My heart melts at this and I bear hug him. We carry on walking to the cinema and choose a movie. We may have spent a lot of the movie making out, but oh well, the movie wasn't good anyway. 

Walking home, it was like we were in our bubble. I cannot believe how lucky I am. 

"What's that look for darlin," Jasper says in a teasing voice.

"Just thinking about how lucky I am and how excited to spend eternity with you," 

Jasper smiles at me and then all of a sudden he picks me up and I squeal. 

"I cannot wait to spend eternity with you either," 

I try to get down but Jasper will not let me out of his grip. I giggle at him and just rest my head on his shoulder. We just have a hushed conversation until we make it to my front door. He lets me know he will be in my room by the time I am up there. That he just hunts early in the morning. We spend a few minutes kissing before I make my way through the house locking doors and windows and making sure lights are off and the security alarm is on. Making my way upstairs, I walk into my room and find Jasper there as he said. I tell him to give me a second to get ready for bed. 

I put on some sleep shorts and a t-shirt. I take my hair out, (mainly so Jasper can play with it) and go back into my room. Jasper opens his arms and I just fall into them. He kisses my forehead and starts playing with my hair. 

"By the way, in a few days, Bella is coming to the house with Edward, and we want you there. Rosalie said she would only be there if you were there." Jasper says in a quiet voice. 

I instantly agree, knowing that he needed my support as well. Before I know it, I fall asleep in Jasper's arms...

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