Chapter 2 - Cullen POV

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At The Cullen House- 

Inside the beautiful home of the Cullen family, Carlisle, and Esme, the matriarch and patriarch, were having a hushed conversation. Rosalie was flicking through a magazine, Emmett and Jasper were playing video games, Edward was playing piano, Annie was sketching and Alice was shopping online. Just a normal day for a family of vampires. 

It was just a normal day, until Alice got a vision, gasping at what she saw, a feeling of happiness and joy that this family may actually become complete. When the vision finished, she saw her family looking at her in worry and Edward with a worried look on his face. 

Alice's POV-

This is amazing, my best friend will finally have someone who cares and loves him the way I love Annie!!   "What did you see honey?" asked Esme. 

I couldn't contain my excitement and blurted out, "Jasper's mate is here and you'll meet her tomorrow!" I could see a mixture of emotions, some were happy, and some were anxious and angry. 

"She's human Alice, we can't involve her in this life!" Edward exclaimed angrily. 

"That is not up to you Edward, Jasper deserves someone in his life, and besides this is his true mate, not some blood singer, her blood will calm him. Not to mention Rose and me will become really good friends with her." I tell him. 

Looking at Jasper, I can see he is worried about hurting her, but before I can reassure him, I get sucked into another vision. This time it is of another girl who looks like Jasper's mate. I see her around Edward. Is she his mate, no, I don't think she is? From what I can tell, she may become a problem. 

Coming back out of it, Edward once again says something, "your telling me that my mate is here too?" 

"I... I... I'm not sure she is your mate, I didn't get that same feeling that I did with Jasper." I stutter back to him. 

Edward just looks at me and walks off. I look toward the rest of my family. Emmett had his childish smile on his face, Rosalie had a neutral look on her face, Annie, Carlisle, and Esme just looked happy for Jasper, but Jasper look worried and borderline terrified at the prospects of having a human mate. 

"Jasper, I promise, when you see her tomorrow, you will love her, she will help you with your bloodlust, she will give you something that only she can, love. She is beautiful, kind, and feisty. Just give it a try, please." I beg him.

He solemnly nods and walks to his room, no doubt to think and prepare himself for tomorrow. 

"That means you to Rosalie, please give her a chance, you and her will become so close," I ask Rosalie. 

She sighs and agrees knowing that if anyone deserves a mate and a chance at eternal love it is Jasper. " we just have to keep an eye out for the other girl I saw, I think she might cause some problems, I'm not sure if she is Edwards mate or not, I'm certain shes not but you never know." I tell my family. 

We all go our separate ways and also prepare for what tomorrow may bring...

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