Chapter 12 -

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Lucy POV -

Today is the day that Bella goes to the Cullens. I am surprised that Jasper is still next to me as I wake up.

"I thought you'd be hunting," I say groggily.

"Well if it's okay with you, I'll take you to the house early and then I'll go hunting before Bella comes," he replies. I agree and he tells me not to eat much because Esme was excited to cook. I laugh and we just cuddle for a little longer before Jasper leaves to change and get his car. I head downstairs to inform dad about the plans for today. He agrees but is shocked that Bella is really dating Edward.

"It's just weird, I know Bella has always been distant and careless of other people's feelings but, she's been worse lately. We barely talk now and when we do, she's too distracted by her phone or she just ignores what I say. Is that down to Edward?" Dad says with sadness lacing his voice.

I quickly give him a hug and say, "dad, Bella has always been selfish. To tell you the truth, Bella can be cruel, vindictive, manipulative, and obsessive. I don't think she is going to change, not unless she wants to that is." Dad just looks so sad. I remind him that this has nothing to do with him and that he is an amazing dad to us. We have a heart to heart before I go upstairs to get ready.

After getting ready, I head downstairs to have a small breakfast of just some chopped-up fruit and apple juice

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After getting ready, I head downstairs to have a small breakfast of just some chopped-up fruit and apple juice. I decide to just watch some TV until Jasper arrives, whilst I'm enjoying my peace and quiet, Bella stomps downstairs and glares at me.

"Edward is picking me up later, so don't bother coming because once everyone meets me, they'll like me better," She says with a smug look on her face.

"That's funny because Jasper is picking me up very soon and the only people that want you there are Edward, Esme, and Carlisle. And even then, Esme and Carlisle are hesitant because you are not Edwards mate," I say back.
Just as she is going to no doubt argue back, the doorbell goes. I answer it and it's Jasper. I grab my backpack and look behind me to see Bella looking like a fish and I can see the anger brewing inside her.

Jasper leads me to his car and takes me to his house. Once inside Jasper goes hunting with Alice and Annie.
I hug everyone and greet them.
"I'm so happy you're here, I hope Italian food is okay," Esme says softly.
"Ooo absolutely, I love Italian," I say back excitedly. We spend the next hour or so just talking. Esme won't allow me to help, so I just sit on a barstool next to Rosalie who was spending her time complaining about Bella. I couldn't help but agree with her and told her what she said this morning.

"Is she even Italian?" Rosalie asks with no interest.
"Her name is Bella," Emmett says back smiling. I just laugh at him when all of a sudden, everything goes quiet for a second.
"Catch a whiff of that, here comes the bland human," Rosalie says. I give her a sad smile and side hug her.

Bella and Edward make their way into the kitchen. I don't have to have Jasper's gift to know how tense it is in here.
"Welcome Bella," Esme greets happily.
"This is Esme, mother for all intents and purposes," Edward says back. All Bella does is give her awkward smile back. Rude but okay.
"We're making Italian," Esme says excitedly she finally got to use the kitchen.
"We finally have a reason to use the kitchen," Carlisle says and smiles at me.
When asked if she was hungry, Bella lies, which Edward (the dumbass) just confirms that which leads to the salad in Rosalie's hands ending up on the floor.
"Well I know you don't eat so," Bella says trying to act innocent.
"That's kind of you," Esme says with sadness in her voice.
"Just great," Rosalie starts off.
"Just ignore her, I do," Edward says arrogantly.
"Sure, let's pretend like this isn't dangerous for all of us. How this could end badly for us," Rose says with so much anger.
"Badly, as in, me and Lucy become the meal," Bella says visibly scared.
"Not Lucy, just you. Lucy is Jasper's mate," Rose carries on moving closer to me. I can see Bella getting angrier that I wouldn't be in danger, but she would.
Before this can go any further, Alice and Annie make their way back in with Jasper not far behind them. I smile and run up to him with us hugging like this.

Despite it being mere hours since I last saw him, I feel this tugging sensation when he is not around

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Despite it being mere hours since I last saw him, I feel this tugging sensation when he is not around. Jasper keeps hold of me and sits on a stool with me still on him. I know my scent is calming for him, and I get free cuddles, so I am not going to turn him away.
Alice hugs Bella, "You do smell good," she says with no filter.
"Okay gorgeous, step away from the human," Annie says laughing and pulling Alice away.
"It's okay, me and Bella are going to be great friends," Alice says back.
I can see Edward is visibly uncomfortable and announces that he is going to give Bella a house tour and they leave.
"Lucy sweetheart, do you want anything to eat?" Esme says. I quickly turn around on Jasper's lap, making him whine a little.
"Ooooh yes please, would you mind if I took some home for my dad, can't let all this hard work go to waste," I say with a cheeky smile. Just as I am about to start eating, the fork is taken out of my hand by Jasper. I give him my puppy dog eyes.
"Shhh, I'm not taking your food away from you, I just want to feed you," he says as he scoops some food in my mouth.

What I didn't notice was the rest of the Cullen's (minus Eddie and Bella) looking at us with awe. 

Bella's POV-

I can't express how happy I am that Edward and I are now alone. I just know that his family likes me. How could they not? I just need to get them to hate Lucy, shouldn't be too hard, she'll show her true colours soon. She is manipulative, mean, and a bitch. Me? I am perfect, gorgeous, and all-around amazing.  I zone back in when Edward leads me up some stairs when we stop. I see a wall of artistically arrayed silk squares with tassels. I look at Edward confused. 

"Are they all graduation caps?" I ask him.

"It's a private joke, we have to move around a lot. The younger we make ourselves, the longer we can stay. Hence graduating a lot." He says back to me. 

That sounds like hell. I know when I become a vampire, all I will do is enjoy my immortal life with my one true love. I won't be wasting my time with school. We carry on up the stairs until we make it to what seems to be his room, but no bed... 

"I see you're obsessed with music, but you have no bed?" I say to him. 

"There isn't much to do when you can't sleep, so I listen to music and read." He says with a small smile. 

Well, that seems like a boring existence. I can think of a much better way to spend our time when I turn. (wink wink) 

He continues with his boring conversation, I do my best to look interested. I spend the next few hours in Edward's company. I can't help but imagine what my future is going to look like with him and only him...

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