Chapter 8 -

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Today I was spending some time with Jacob and Malia, I was running a little late but I had sent a text to Jacob telling him that I would be at his house in a bit.
When I pulled up, I saw Jacob and Malia screaming at Bella. Getting out my car, I rush over to see what the hell was going on.
" HEY! What the fuck is going on?" I asked.
"Bella forced a kiss on me, despite me telling her I don't like her," Jacob informs me. I turn to Bella who is trying to look innocent but she looks constipated.
"Seriously Bella? What the hell were you thinking?" I angrily asked her.
"I did nothing wrong. I was just trying to prove that Jakey loves me, not that freak." Wow, she really doesn't help herself. Before I can say anything, Malia loses whatever cool she had left.

Luckily Jacob managed to grab her and calm her down

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Luckily Jacob managed to grab her and calm her down. What I didn't notice was Bella had fallen over and injured her hand while trying to run away from Malia. I managed to get Bella to leave, I told her to go to the Cullens to sort her hand out. As she was pulling out, I rang Jasper to tell him about Bella and told him to tell Carlisle. When I had finished  on the phone with Jasper, I turned to Jacob and a now calm Malia and apologised for Bella's behaviour. They both assured me that I didn't need to apologise for Bella.
"Oh, before I forget. The Cullens are throwing a graduation party, and the Pack are invited," I informed them. Jacob then told me that he'd speak to Sam and see what he could do. I said goodbye to the both of them and as I was getting into my car I said, "I'd better get to the Cullens, to help them with Bella." Waving goodbye I made my way to the Cullens house.

When I pulled up, I could hear shouting. Lowering my head I take a minute before I got out my car and made my way towards the shouting.
"STAY AWAY FROM EDWARD!" I heard Lizzie screaming. Oh no, what has she done now? Now racing, I find Lizzie being held back by Edward and Emmett. Bella is cradling the hand she injured at Jakes, but now it looked way worse.
I had to get their attention somehow, not even Jasper had noticed I was there, by the looks of it, he was trying to manage all of the emotions in the room. I decided to put two fingers in my mouth to whistle.

This luckily worked and while it did cause the Cullens to wince at the loudness, it stopped Lizzie from committing murder

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This luckily worked and while it did cause the Cullens to wince at the loudness, it stopped Lizzie from committing murder.
"Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?" I asked slightly agitated. At this point Jasper had zoomed over to me and was hugging me.
Lizzie spoke up and said, "This bitch," pointing to Bella, "tried to kiss Edward right in front of me!" At this notion, I sighed really loud and asked Carlisle to look at Bella's hand. I was becoming completely exhausted because of Bella and her behaviour, but I didn't know what to do anymore. I turn to Edward and Lizzie and apologise to them. God did this feel like deja vu. I asked what had happened to Bella's hand because it wasn't that bad at Jacobs. Lizzie looks at me sheepishly, but I could see a hint of satisfaction. "I broke it," she said. Carlisle came down with Bella and she was wearing a cast.
"Seriously Bella. We went through this at Jacobs. You can't go around kissing whoever you want. Jacob isn't yours and neither is Edward. Get over yourself," I borderline shouted at her. Bella looked at me with anger and said, "NO, THATS WHERE YOU'RE WRONG. JACOB AND EDWARD ARE BOTH MINE. I LOVE THEM AND THEY LOVE ME." She looked psychotic. I felt whatever calmness was left in me and started to shout back, "ISABELLA! I SWEAR TO GOD, IF YOU DON'T STOP WITH THIS OBSESSION, I WILL PERSONALLY PUT YOU IN A PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL. ME AND DAD CANNOT DEAL WITH YOUR BULLSHIT ANYMORE," everyone was quiet but not for long because Bella launched at me screaming that I was a bitch, it happened so fast that not even the vampires in the room expected it. Before I knew it, Bella had me on the ground and we were fighting.

She landed a couple of blows on my face, but I quickly got the upper hand and was on top of her hitting her back

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She landed a couple of blows on my face, but I quickly got the upper hand and was on top of her hitting her back. All these months of stress and anger was finally coming out. Suddenly I was pulled off and I recognised it to be Jasper and he was holding onto me while Carlisle was holding onto Bella. Both of us were still shouting at each other and struggling to get out of the grips we were in. Emmett was in the background egging me on.
Somehow, Bella slips out of Carlisle's grip and comes at me. Jasper let me go knowing it was best, and when she was close enough, I throw one single punch, knocking her out.
"K.O!!!" Emmett screams. We look over at him only to find him recording everything.
Bella was quickly taken out the room and Jasper guided me to the couch and just held me. After helping me calm down, I call my dad to let him know everything that had happened today, I heard him sigh and after a moment of silence, he asked me if I had won. Emmett jumped up and said he'd send him the video of it. He was so excited that dad couldn't help but laugh at Emmett. Telling dad I'd be home soon, I hung up and cuddled into Jasper.
"I swear LucyLu I didn't know you had it in you," Emmett says while looking at his phone sending the video to my dad.
When Carlisle came back down, he told me that Bella was fine and when she woke up, he'd escort her home himself. I apologised for everything and thanked him. Carlisle gave me a comforting hug and told me that it was okay.
I decided to go home, at this point I was even more exhausted and wanted to go to bed. Jasper drove me home and when dad saw me, he hugged me.
"I am sorry that you have been dealing with Bella," he said. I told him he had no reason to apologise and asked him if he had watched the video. With this, he smiled and nodded. Telling me he wasn't going to ground me because I was defending myself and that I had a nice right hook. Me and Jasper laughed and made our way to my room. Getting into comfortable clothing a flopped onto my bed and when Jasper joined me, he cuddled into me. He had put on Criminal Minds and we settled in for the night.

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