Chapter 7 -

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Lucy POV -
Another day, another day of the protection detail.
Today I was with the Cullens at their house, and of course Bella was with us. At this point, Bella had to ALWAYS be watched because everyone was worried that she'd go off and look for Victoria herself, or any vampire that could change her.
Sitting the the living room of the Cullens, we were all dotted around watching the TV, the news channel was playing and was talking about all the attacks and missing people in Seattle.
"It's getting worse. We're going to have to do something," Carlisle says full of worry.
Jasper then chimes in, "It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage and chaos that is being reported. Quite a few more. They are acting undisciplined, conspicuous..."
"Newborns?" Edward questions. Before anyone can answer Bella buts in.
"Like new vampires?"
I roll my eyes at her, "what else would it be?" I say to her.
"In the first few months after the change, that is when they are the most vicious, uncontrollable, insane with thirst," Edward says ominously. Of course Emmett has to try and make light of the situation.
"Something to look forward too," he says which causes a lot of rolled eyes and Rosalie smacking the back of his head.
"Nobody has trained them, but it isn't random," Jasper informs everyone.
After a few moments of silence Carlisle gasps and say, "someone is creating an army."
"Oh, we are definitely going to Seattle now," Emmett says kind of excited. This boy was pumped at the possibility of a fight.
Edward then tells us that they are the closest coven to Seattle, Carlisle comes to a conclusion that I know was hard for him.
"It is most likely that the army is after us. Regardless of that fact, we have to be the ones to stop them, otherwise the Volturi will,"
Deep down we knew the Volturi wouldn't have created the army, but Alice was still watching Aro's decisions.
"We can't wait for graduation, Eddie, you have to change me now," Bella blurts out. Everyone's heads turned to her. She still thinks she is being changed.
"Bella, I have no intention in changing you, and even if I did, you'd be a liability as a newborn," Edward tells her with a matter of fact tone.
After a little while longer discussing the army, Jasper drove me home. (Bella drove herself.) Me and Jasper needed to inform dad about the latest developments, AKA, the army.
Dad greeted us both and when we are sat in the living room, we began to tell him.
"Dad, there may be a huge problem," I then begin to tell him about the huge possibility of a vampire army. We explained everything about newborns, we knew he would sometimes go to Seattle to either help the police there out or get some help and resources from them.
"So all of those people that have gone missing, are now vampires?" Dad questions.
"Probably not all of them, but a good chunk of them," Jasper informs him. After a while of talking, it was agreed that if dad had to go to Seattle, he would have either someone from the pack or the Cullen's would follow him, keeping an eye on things. Knowing dad would still be protected calmed me down considerably. Me and Jasper finally made our way to my room and settled down.

Me and Jasper are now laying in my bed, we weren't cuddling, we were just facing each other quietly talking about random things.
"Do you ever regret joining the army? You most likely would have never turned." I asked him.
"Yes and no. I will never regret becoming a vampire, but I regret my choices leading up to it," he tells me. I knew all about Maria, and how that bitch used him. I always made sure he knew how much I love him. I never wanted him to doubt my love and his worth.
He always protected me, loved me and I did the same for him. We both knew that above all, we had each other.

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