Chapter 7 -

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Bella POV -

I had been approached by a woman named Agatha. She had explained to me everything about the Scarlet Witch and her plan to steal Lucy's power, and of course, she needed my help. She wanted to create an army, something to distract the Cullens and anyone they'd bring to help them, and she would steal/kill Lucy. I loved this plan, especially since she would be allowing me to be turned as well. She had found a vampire who hated the Cullens and Volturi and they would begin to turn people. 

I had been bitten days ago and despite the pain, I was ready for my destiny.

My eyes flew open and I saw everything, every particle, and heard everything around me. Wow.

Agatha soon greeted me with a gift. A human. Without thinking, I fed on it until it fell to the floor dead. I felt nothing, no remorse, no sadness, nothing. 

Soon Lucy would regret ever messing with me. 

Lucy POV -

Carlisle had made contact with the kings and they had sent their elite guards and Caius would be coming as well. As soon as they heard the name 'Agatha Harkness' their faces went blank, and if possible paler. I knew that this woman was bad news.

As we waited for their arrival, I decided to see if I could explore my powers. If this Harkness woman is powerful, I need to be prepared.

I sit in the middle of the living room and close my eyes. 

After some time, Caius and the guard had arrived.

"Thank you for coming," Carlisle said.

"It is no problem. When me and my brothers heard her name, we knew what she wanted." Caius said handing me a book, "This book is the book of the damned. Only one person can read the book. The person who is the Scarlet Witch. This will help you unlock your potential." 

I look at the book with interest. I feel a connection to it. I begin to open it when I hear a noise. 

A note falls in front of me. 

'Meet me at this address. I hope you have made your decision'

"You can't go," Rose says with a worried look on her face. 

"I have no choice, she threatened to kill everyone I care about, including my dad," I told everyone. It was soon decided that everyone would come with me, and the Pack would meet us there. Dad would be safe as he was with his mate and their family. 

Soon we joined Agatha at the meeting spot and were surprised to see she had what looked to be a newborn army, that included my sister. I could feel the anger beginning to roll off me.

"So, have you made a decision?" Agatha asked.

"Yes, and no I won't be giving you my powers," I say with confidence. I see the anger grow on her face and before I know it, she blasts everyone away from me.

"Oh, I had hoped you'd make the right decision, the smart one," Agatha said with a sinister smile on her face. Before I could anticipate anything, I was hit by her powers, sending me flying. I feel a sharp pain in my chest. 

"I would have made it painless for you, but now? I will drain you of your powers slowly and painfully," Agatha announces before poofing away. 

Jasper is soon by my side helping me stand. I have a dizzy spell, causing Jasper to pick me up bridal style and we all quickly leave. 

When we get back to the house, Caius gets in contact with his brothers to keep them updated and see if they have any new information about Agatha and what her plans may be. Jasper places me on the sofa and retrieves a glass of water for me. 

"Sweetheart,  we will figure out a way to keep you safe," Jasper says trying to comfort me. But it didn't work. I had this feeling of dread fall over me. My whole body felt like it was vibrating. Without saying a word, I take the Book of the Damned and begin to properly read it. I needed to know as much as I could if it meant beating Agatha. 

I would do anything to keep the ones I love alive... 

A/N - How should Agatha and Bella be killed/disposed of? 

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