Chapter 12-

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Lucy POV -
It was the day before the army was due to come and my nerves are through the roof. There are some last minute things we need to do before going up the mountain where we would be staying the night. Dad would be with Billy the whole time, we hoped that this would mask his scent enough. In the mean time, Jasper was driving me and (unfortunately) Bella to a meeting spot. There we would be meeting, Sam, Jacob, and Embry. Jacob would carry me up the mountain and Embry was sadly tasked with being the one who had to carry Bella. Jasper and Sam would see if our scents would be covered sufficiently.
The entire ride was filled with Bella being herself, and with me and Jasper ignoring her. This of course infuriated her, but at this point, we had become masters at ignoring her.
When we finally arrived at the designated meet spot, we saw the three shifters waiting for us. They greeted us and went over things with Jasper.
After a little while, everyone was ready, and I jumped onto Jacobs back. I waved goodbye to Jasper and Jacob began his journey. We spent our time talking about everything, Bella, the army, how Malia was doing. Overall, it was a pleasant time. The same couldn't be said for Bella and Embry, I guarantee you.

Eventually, everyone met back up and it was confirmed that out scents were covered. The plan was to go back to the Cullens, gather our stuff, eat, and then head back up the mountain. And that leads us to now. I'm freezing my tits off at the top of a mountain. I had come as well prepared as I could be, many layers of warm clothing, blankets, anything that could keep me warm. Bella on the other hand? She came with just a coat and sleeping bag. She had been insisting that Jacob cuddle with her to keep her warm. Of course he denied, and with that, I threw a thermal blanket at her and told her to shut up and sleep. Jasper was staying the night with me and would leave for the battle field in the morning. I was grateful that he was with me tonight at least.

After a night of freezing temperatures, it was finally the morning that I had been dreading. Jasper had made sure to spend time with me and assure me that he would be fine and so would everyone else. It did little to comfort me, nothing would calm me until after everything was done and dealt with. For now I had to fight through my anxiety and pray that everyone would come out unharmed.
While basking in my thoughts, Jasper comes up behind me and hugs me. "Darlin, I have to leave in a minute," he told me.
I sighed and turned around facing him.
"I swear Jasper, if you do not come back to me, I will burn the world to the ground," I replied back to him completely seriously.
He grabs my face in his hands and says, "Sweetheart, I will come back to you, nothing can stop me. You have to be careful as well, if something were to happen to you, my life would not be worth living." We stay in our safe bubble for a little while longer, until Edward shows up and tells Jasper that it's time. With that, we say our goodbyes and I watch him leave. By this point, Jacob had left and Seth had joined us.
"Let's just get this over with," I said.

"It's starting," Edward informs us. Men and Bella we're behind Edward, and for once Bella was staying quiet.
"Everyone is fine,"
Edward suddenly turns his head towards something.
"She's here, Seth go," Seth does as Edward says.
"She knew you wouldn't be there, she found us," Edward says with a scared tone in his voice. He makes sure that we are behind him when Victoria and Riley show up.
Fear envelopes me and most of what Edward is saying sounds like a blur.
"Riley, she's using you... Doesn't love you... Glad when you're gone," is all I am able to catch.
"Riley... Told you about their mind tricks," Victoria reassures Riley. Edward continues to not only stall, but convince Riley of Victorias true intentions, to avenge her true mate, James. I can see the conflict in Riley's face. Ultimately, Riley believes Victoria and lunges for Edward. Luckily Seth attacks Riley leaving Victoria to try and run. Coward.
"You won't get another chance. You want us to feel the pain, the same pain that James felt. This is your last chance to do that," this clearly angers Victoria. She lunges at Edward and there is nothing for me to do but watch in horror as Seth drags Riley away to finish him off. And while Victoria is momentarily distracted by Riley's screams, Edward manages to rip her head off.
I let out a breath of air. Edward informs me and Bella that we can go down to the battle field now.

When I see Jasper, I begin to run when all of a sudden I feel this blinding pain. I can hear screams around me but they are muffled. Jasper is next to me and I see the worry in his face.

Jasper POV-
No, no, no how did we miss one. That fucker bit her. As I am tending to my mate, the pack are informed that they need to leave, after some convincing, they leave, but tell the Cullen's to let them know what happens to Lucy. Just as I am going to begin sucking out the venom, I am stopped.
"Let her turn," I turn around and see the Volturi guard. It was Jane who commanded me to let her turn. I can't, this wasn't the plan. Oh God, what would her dad say.
"I know this wasn't how her transformation was supposed to go, but it's better it happens now," Jane says uncharacteristicly nice. I see her point, but it pains me that this is how Lucy had to change.
Just as I am coming to terms with our new situation. Bella opens her big mouth.
"WHY DID SHE GET BIT? SHE DOESNT DESERVE IMMORTAL LIFE, I DO! SOMEONE CHANGE ME NOW," she demands and I break. I feel Major come out and I don't bother to stop him.
"One more word, and I will kill you slowly and painfully," he says very calmly. Bella for once, being smart shuts up and I go back to my mate. The Volturi finally leave and I instantly pick Lucy up and take her home. I put her in our bed so she is comfortable. I am not leaving until she opens her beautiful eyes.

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