Chapter 4 -

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Lucy POV -

It had been a few days since Bella had gone missing and things are just going downhill. I had barely gotten any sleep because of Bella. She would wake up in the middle of the night screaming. She would do this multiple times a night. This led me and my dad to sleep downstairs. 

I decided to give Billy a ring to see if I could come over. I needed to know what Billy wanted to tell me. 

"Hi Billy, can we have that talk now?" I asked him.

"Of course, come over in an hour and everything will be explained," he told me. I hung up and texted Jasper about my plans. He told me that he had an idea about what Billy wanted to tell me, but it wasn't up to him to tell me. I understood and we made some plans for us to meet up and hopefully go on a date. An hour went by and I made my way over to Billy's. 

Knocking on the door, Sam Uley let me in and led me to the living room

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Knocking on the door, Sam Uley let me in and led me to the living room.

"Usually nobody outside of the tribe will know, but considering I have known you since you were born, and because of who you are dating. The tribe decided that you could know," Billy starts off. I just stay quiet. 

"Remember the legends we told you about when you'd come to the bonfires as a child?" 

"Yeah, I still love them to this day," I reply.

"Well there is no easy way to say this, but, it is all real," Billy tells me. 

"So you're saying that the stories about shifters are real?" I ask

Both men nod and let me take it in. 

"Well, I guess since Vampire exists, why shouldn't other supernatural exist?" I say to myself. I look at Sam Uley and ask him, "are you a shifter?"

"Yes, I was the first to shift."

"Lucy, the reason why we wanted you to know was that we know that you and Jasper are mates," Billy states before Sam carries on. "We have something similar, except we call them imprints, so we know the damage that can be done if we tell you to stay away."

I smile at them and ask, "what about Bella?" 

"Well is she Edward's mate?" Billy asks. 

"Nope, she is something called a blood singer. Essentially, that means that their blood sings to a certain vampire. They have to fight the urge to drain them at all times." I tell them. 

We carry on talking about everything when I ask if I can see Sam's wolf. He agrees and all three of us go outside. 

"Wow, you're so cute," I express

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"Wow, you're so cute," I express. 

Sam shifts back and walks over to us. 

"Not the most normal reaction," Sam retorts. 

"Sam, I'm dating a vampire. I'm not normal," I deadpan.

The men just laugh, and they tell me that they do want to meet Jasper. I tell them that I'd speak to Jasper and that we'd sort something out. We chat for a little longer before I tell them I had to leave. I say my goodbyes and make my way home.


When I arrive home, I see my dad's cruiser in the driveway. When I walk into the living room I see him on the couch trying not to fall asleep. He sees me and gets up. 

"Dad sit back down, you're exhausted," I say gently pushing him back onto the sofa. He quickly falls asleep and I set myself a reminder to wake him in an hour. It breaks my heart to see him like this and it terrifies me. I am terrified that his lack of sleep will affect his work. I decide to keep an eye on him. 

Heading upstairs I call Jasper. 

"Hi baby," Jasper says. 

"Hi handsome,"

"You okay?" 

"Yes and no. Yes because I know about the shifters and they want to meet you, and no because I am worried about my dad," I answer him. 

"Well, I am happy they want to meet me and tell me what's going on with your dad," 

I explain how Bella has been keeping us awake and how exhausted dad is. I hear him sigh and tell me that Bella shouldn't be like this. It would be understandable if Bella was feeling the bond with Edward, but considering they are not mates, there is no bond to be strained. 

I tell him that I will keep him updated and we come up with a day we can see each other and dad will cover for us if Bella asks. 

We spend the rest of the evening talking to each other when I fall asleep on the phone to him. 

A/N Shitty chapter I apologise. 

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