Chapter 4 -

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Lucy POV -
Bella had arrived back from Florida today and had accosted me. She wanted to know why I hadn't gone to see mom and if anything had happened over the weekend. Of course the last thing I wanted her to know was about Victoria because she would make all about herself. So I lied and told her that nothing interesting had happened. She looked at me like she didn't believe me but didn't say anything. I knew it was only a matter of time until she found out, but the longer I could hide it, the better.

Jasper met me at my car and I had told him that Bella was suspicious. He reassured me that  nothing would change, they would still catch Victoria. In the middle of our discussion, Bella's truck made its way into the parking lot. I sighed, knowing something would happen. Bella made her way over to where Edward and Lizzie were standing. Oh no, this is not good. Me and Jasper quickly made our own way over.
"Oh Eddie, I missed you. You should have come with me," Bella says trying to throw her arms around him. Edward steps away from her causing her to stumble.
"How many times do we need to have this conversation, we are not together, I am with Lizzie now," Edward tells her completely fed up with her. Bella eye twitches at this, I can see her trying to keep it together.
"We both know that she," pointing to Lizzie, "is a distraction. I am so much better than that," Bella says with a smug smile on her face. Lizzie rolls her eyes at this and gives Bella a dirty look.

"Please, a pile of trash looks better than you," Lizzie blurts out

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"Please, a pile of trash looks better than you," Lizzie blurts out. This makes me laugh and Edward and Jasper smile in amusement. Before Bella could reply back, a motorcycle came into the parking lot. It was Jacob. Leaving Bella behind, (although she followed anyway) we made our way over to him.
"Hi Jacob," I greeted him, hugging him. He greeted me and told the Cullens that they needed to be careful in the future. They didn't want a repeat of what had happened between Paul and Emmett. The pack also wanted to know if Alice had anymore visions about Victoria.

"Victoria? That's what you were doing? I was sent away so you could chase her. I could have been killed!" Bella said all dramatic. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Of course she makes this about herself.
"You would have gotten in the way. So be grateful that you were safe," I tell her. Bella was left speechless (for once), and Jacob ask if I want to visit the pack today. Knowing dad wouldn't mind me skipping school just this once, I agreed and told him I'd follow him in my car. I said my goodbyes to Jasper and told him I'd call him when I got home. As I was getting into my car, I saw Bella jump onto Jacob's motorcycle and cuddle into him. I could see how uncomfortable that made him. Great, now I'd have to deal with Bella all day.


When I pulled up to Sam and Emily's house, I was greeted by the boys taking their turns in hugging me. Somehow I had beat Jacob here and when I heard his motorcycle I gave the boys a sad smile. They'd have to deal with Bella and her drama as well.
"Look who's back," Emily says trying to be nice.
"Hi guys," Bella says 'innocently'. The boys say their hellos half heartedly.
When Bella saw that Quil had now joined the pack, she pouted.
"You too Quil?" She questioned.
"Yep, me too," Quil says back. Bella clearly can't see that she is not wanted here and carries on talking until Leah makes her way out.
"Bella, this is Leah. Harry' daughter." Jacob introduces them. When Bella tries to say hello, Leah cuts her off.
"I don't know why you're here. Nobody wants you here. So just leave everyone alone."
I can't help but smirk at Leah's feistyness. Things got awkward very fast and Jacob dragged Bella away. I spent the rest of the day with the pack...

A/N - Short and shitty chapter.

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