Chapter 2 -

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Lucy POV -

It had been about a week since dad found out about the supernatural and it was like nothing has changed. I did notice that Bella had been unusually quiet, she was still staring at us, but she didn't pick any fights. This worries me because I know something big is coming.

Anyway... At this moment, I am sitting in my room with Jasper, I am trying to finish my English project but Jasper is having the time of his life distracting me.

"Jasper, I have to finish this," I say laughing and pushing his head away from my neck. He had been spending his time kissing my neck and face. Jasper laughs and stops distracting me but keeps his arms around my waist. We stay like this until I have finished. When I do, I turn around to face Jasper.

"You done?" Jasper asked. I nod and lean into him wanting to relax. Jasper doesn't say anything else, he just keeps his arms wrapped around me. We stayed there for a while until we heard the front door slam shut. Making our way downstairs, we hear what seems to be the beginning of an argument.

"BELLA YOU CAN'T KEEP ACTING LIKE THIS!" I hear dad scream at Bella. We hurry downstairs and when Bella sees me and Jasper, she smiles but the smile she gives us creeps me out.

"Hi Jazzy, could you tell Edward that I forgive him and love him," Bella says in a sickly-sweet voice. I can't help but cringe at not only the tone but the nickname she gave Jasper.

"Bella, Edward has moved on, you should too," Jasper says. This visibly angers Bella.

"NO! EDWARD STILL LOVES ME, HE IS JUST DATING HER TO MAKE ME JEALOUS!" Bella screams. Wow, needs a psychiatric hospital. What will it take for her to get the hint?

"BELLA THAT IS ENOUGH! I HAVE GROUNDED YOU, TAKEN AWAY YOUR THINGS, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO ANYMORE!" Dad yells, he has officially reached the end of his tether.

He goes on to tell her that she is no longer allowed to leave the house, she is only allowed to go to school. That he will notify the school and if she skips or leaves school, he will send her to a boarding school or a military school. At this notion, Bella screeches like a banshee and storms off upstairs pushing past me and Jasper.

"Dad, you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I just don't know what else I can do. This obsession she has is worrying me. I spoke to your mother, obviously leaving out the supernatural aspects and she agrees with me."

Knowing there wasn't much I could say to calm him down, I decided to give him a hug.

I had no idea what was to come...


Sitting with Jessica, Angela, Mike, and the rest in the cafeteria. Jess is trying to write her valedictorian speech, and we are trying to help her. Some more than others.

"Just use this. 'My fellow students, we are the future,' good right?" Mike says half serious and half sarcastic. This causes everyone at our table to laugh and Jessica to throw a balled-up piece of paper at him.

"That will be my speech if I want diploma's thrown at my head," Jess says.

"You've got to embrace the cliches Jess,"

At this point, I butt in, "Jess doesn't need cliches, the speech will be epic," This causes Jess to smile at me in appreciation.

"Epic? It'll change lives," Jess says full of confidence. Everyone still tries to help Jess until Alice, Annie and Jasper join us.
"I have decided to throw a party," Alice announced. Everyone raises their eyebrows in surprise.
"After all, how many times do you graduate?" Jasper says. Of course me, Alice and Annie know the meaning behind this joke and manage to contain our laughs.

When the others shake out of their shock, Mike says, "A party? At your house? No one has ever seen your house."
"No one but Lucy and Isabella has seen their house," Jess says. I felt some nervousness about the party because of what happened the last time the Cullens threw a party.
"A party Alice?" I questioned her.
Alice looks at me with a smile and says, "What? It'll be fun."
"You said that last time," I said with a deadpan look on my face. Before Alice can reply, she starts having a vision and doesn't reply to anything anyone says. Luckily Annie comes up with an excuse. "She's nervous about graduating, she's not been sleeping much," Annie says holding Alice. I look to Jasper with a worried look but I couldn't say anything at the moment.

Now that me and Jasper are back in my room, it is now my chance to ask about Alice's vision.
"Jasper, what did Alice see?"
Jasper sighs and tells me what she saw. It was Victoria coming back, the Cullens and the pack would try and chase her. I know Jasper wanted me to go Florida to see my mom, but with Bella going as well, I didn't want to go, so it had been decided that me, dad and the imprints would be guarded by a couple of the wolves. Bella was not told because everyone knew she wouldn't go to Florida.

"How's your father doing?" Jasper asked me. Dad had been extra stressed lately. A young man named Riley Beers had been missing for a while, no trace of him at all.
"He's stressed. He keeps thinking about what he would do if it was me or Bella," I replied. Jasper didn't say anything, he just hugged me.

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