{35} The Great Divide

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Their group watches as Holly continues to walk ahead of them all, her stance strong and her focus intact.

"Why the bloody hell didn't you just respond to a damn letter. Just one!" Brie whispered over as harshly as she was able. James cringed back but kept his eye on Holly.

"It doesn't matter now. What's done is done," James grumbled, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"You have to fix this, mate," Sirius said, voice pleading. This was their last year at Hogwarts and Sirius wasn't going to let this unfavorable drama ruin it. Some more interesting drama, perhaps. But not this and not with them. James shook his head.

"I just need to give her time," he mumbled, hoping what he spoke was the truth and not just something he had been wishing for desperately.

They walked a few halls down before they reached the other kids attending this year. Black, red, yellow, blue, and green hoods suddenly surrounded them as kids wore their house cloaks in pride and first years waited eagerly to be assigned.

As soon as James realized Holly would be avoiding him for the start of their final year, he swore to himself that today couldn't get worse... oh how wrong he had been.

"Holly!" A voice sounded out from the crowd. Their group and Holly all turn toward it. Only to see David making his way to Holly with a wide blinding smile.

"David," she exclaimed back and started walking over. The two met in a hug and James' lips curled down as he watched her arms wrap around him.

He missed her hugs and the way she fit so perfectly against him. How he knew when she was particularly happy because she couldn't help but squeeze him tighter. He continued to watch as the two separated and began animatedly talking. This was the happiest James had seen her since they departed before the holiday. 

Finally looking away from her, his eyes catch onto Remus' who looked at him softly.

"You alright?" He asked carefully, even moving to slap a hand against his back a few times in consolation. James let out a bitter laugh.

"What do you think?"

As always, the other years went in before the firsts as they had to wait for their introduction from McGonagall. Holly and David met up with the rest of their group and James tried his best to hide his scoff. But if Holly's tensing shoulders counted for anything, he hadn't done the best job.

The group hesitated just inside the entrance. Everyone glanced between the Hufflepuff table and the Gryffindor table. Other kids walked around them but no one in their group could move. Eventually Holly spoke.

"It's the opening feast, guys. I'm pretty sure we have to sit with our own house," she said, looking at everyone besides James. David's brows rose, knowing Holly hadn't really cared about the seating rules before. James watched her as she physically stopped herself from looking at him. Her eyes cast downward. "And maybe it should stay that way," she added more quietly. No one spoke. No one denied it or agreed. James cleared his throat.

"Let's go guys," he said gruffly before jerking to the side and taking the lead to the Gryffindor table. The rest of the Marauders hesitantly followed till the trio and David were all that was left. David let out a big sigh.

"I cannot tell you guys how good it felt to see the great James Potter not get what he wants for once. Kind of refreshing." Holly inhaled sharply before heading to the Hufflepuff table without a word. David watched her go in slight surprise.

He jerked and looked over, realizing Brie had slapped him on the arm. Her eyes looked sad but a grin attempted to hide it as he met her gaze.

"You're an idiot," she spoke with fond amusement before heading over to sit across from Holly, already going into a long ramble of how Holly had picked a good spot as Brie had memorized where the elf's put what food where on the table.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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