{31} A Hopeful Change In Demeanor

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Holly and her friends were once again at the breakfast table as David read them the next article about a Muggle-Born family.

The Walsh family (a family of two proud Muggle-Born parents with a magical daughter) found in an alley and identified as wizards when the muggle police found their wands laying around their bodies. Mr and Mrs. Walsh were laid closer to the streets, behind them, was their recently graduated daughter Miranda Walsh (18).

As usual, there were no marks upon their bodies boy after a magical assessment, it was clear the cause of death. Once again has the dreaded killing curse been cast by you-know-who's death eaters.

Their involvement was confirmed when witnesses were asked if they saw anything strange during the time of attack. Multiple victims saw what looked to be a skull and a snake coming out of its mouth in the sky.

This is the clear mark of you-know-you. As more deaths occur within the Wizarding worth, fear grips our hearts, causing witches and wizards to flock over to his side. But we must stay strong and endure this; the aurors have been working diligently. You-know-you will not get away with this.

David finished as he set down the newspaper. He looked over at Holly who he had sat next too. She immediately scoffed as he finished off the last word.

"How is fear not suppose to grip our hearts when the reporters won't even mutter his name, let alone everyone else." Holly complained. Brie snorted as she put more eggs on her plate.

"They think as though just saying his name will make him appear." Brie snickers, her eyes flickering onto the paper for a moment. Sadness flushed through her features before she quickly looks away and begins stuffing her face, hiding her trembling lips with food. Mary-Anne turns to her with a furrowed brow.

"You mean like a Taboo?" Mary-Anne asked worryingly. Brie nodded.

"But it's not like he did!" Holly cut in. "He just wants to instill fear and make him seem more threatening. I swear, if I ever went against him, I would knock his nose right off his body." Holly said through clenched teeth and squeezed fists.

"And how would you do that? You're not exactly a master wizard." David said playfully and obviously teasingly. Holly gave him a strange look. David usually wasn't one for teasing.

"Oi! How do we know it's a boy? The chaps only ever sent out his followers to do his bidding." Brie said, creating a whole new line of discussion, something Holly was grateful for.

"Because no girl would ever give herself the name Voldemort." Holly answered.

"You don't think Voldemort is his real name?" Mary-Anne asked quietly. Both Brie and Holly scoffed at the girl.

"And you do?" Brie asked. Holly chuckled.

"Nah, I bet it's something mangy like Tim," Holly said, causing the whole table to snicker. Holly's gaze fell back on the paper. She grabbed it from the table and looked it over, a deep frown etched on her face. "But he's doing this. Through his followers or by himself, he is causing the lost lives of these families. It's not fair that just because they weren't born with magical parents, they have to be in danger." Holly ranted. The others surrounding her all nodded in agreement. They soaked in the mournful silence for a few moments.

"Why the long face?" A voice whispered in her ear. She jumped and looked to her left to see James standing close to her, a smile that brightened the area on his face. Holly automatically smiled. "There's that smile!" James said, grinning at her as he sat down. Holly looked at the area to see the Marauders sitting with them.

They had all made it sort of a habit since Holly first challenged his invite. Every now and again they would all sit together. Holly had yet to be at the Gryffindor table. Peter sat down next to Brie, Remus waved at her and sat down next to David, and Sirius being the cheeky bastard he was, decided to sit down next to Mary-Anne.

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